Verhoeven's movies can be a little, um, overheated, but I'll take a chance.
And while the title is clearly a nod to Carol Reed's masterpiece, it also makes me recall The 10th Victim, a weirdly prescient mid-60s Italian flick that contemplates government-sponsored reality TV killing.
Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you? 🤔
I live in the same part of Louisiana that Fenton is in, a lot of small towns here profit from fines. There's a town that's between the town where I live and the city where I work that will pull people over for going 2 miles over the speed limit. You can always tell who lives here and who's just visiting, because residents know to obey the posted speed limit to the millimeter. (BTW I am not defending this practice, I think it sucks and is not a sustainable way to power a town.)
First time hearing this song. Damn, I ain't cryin', YOU'RE cryin'! That was the perfect sad song for a rainy day all alone in a small town. Thanks for posting it.
"The GOP's take on the 1/6 surveillance videos -- that they show a mostly "normal day" at the Capitol -- is like saying April 20, 1999 was a normal day at Columbine High School. "Look at these kids just coming and going to class!" Yeah, it was normal until about 11:20"
Speaking of how this country treats people differently who look different
I fervently agree with the professor that the former prosecutor pundits all need to be saying this
"If Trump were a Black man accused of leading illegal gang activities and spoke about judges, the prosecutor & witnesses the way he does, he would be gagged. Hearing would be 10 mins. Or he’d be jailed. Why don’t our TV fmr prosecutor pundits address this truth? #RuleofLaw"
I said I'd post this this a few times leading up to Thursday -
Here’s a printable PDF of my version of pumpkin pie - a tweak of Martha Stewart’s recipe, and not ALL that different from the recipe on the can. But better! Really! This makes Damn Good Pie, as Agent Cooper might have said…
Picked up a ~13 lb fresh turkey last night. Today I'll quarter it and get a breast quarter going in the sous vide. Thinking of bagging the 3 quarters for the freezer in sous vide bags with butter and cajun seasoning. Still deciding on freezing them before or after sous vide.
If your bath is big enough, might as well cook all 4 quarters while the water's up to temp and then freeze them afterwards. I've never noticed much of a difference SV before.
Why not cook two, freeze three, and then compare a pre-cooked frozen to a cooked-from-frozen and see which you prefer?
Our new apartment has a gas oven range. I know, I know. As bad as it is for the environment, I absolutely adore cooking with gas. It's infinitely better than electric. Also, I have no control over the appliances in a rental, so I'm not going to kick myself over it. Just enjoy it while I can!
Also, here's the new Capital One commercial with John Travolta as Santa. It just made my morning!
My induction top is as controllable as gas, but it's all wasted on me anyway. What I do to prepare food for eating can in no way be described as "cooking".
Do you feel there's as much of a difference with the oven as with the rangetop? I'm on LPG, but would really like to install that dual fuel range oven one of these days, for the convection/proof/warm features my plain Jane gasser lacks. If you haven't tried induction, it turns off almost as quickly as gas, and heats the room less. I wouldn't expect to find an induction rangetop in 99% of apartments, but the little induction hotplates 'cook'.
I got a simmer plate for my gas stove. I don't know if the orifices are wrong, but turned all the way down is still more than a simmer. It works as advertised, but I think the Vigo black beans and rice, that I need to simmer more than anything, are going in the Instant Pot henceforward. My oven runs about 75*F high, no calibration feature.
Instant Pots scare me a little! My grandmother had a pressure cooker explosion once, and it scarred me (and her!) for life. Glad you like yours, though.
I am an anti-Big Tech, Jewish supporter of the free press. Here’s why I applaud the efforts of Elon Musk, who I do not support, to use Republican prosecutors, who I do not support, to silence reporting on his love for Adolf Hitler, who I do not support.
It's not just you. There's something wonky about this site. I don't think it's dangerous but I get that message sometimes.
And when I click the home page often I just get a blank page.
When I click into the comments for an article it appears to do nothing at all. So I Refresh the page and then I'm in the comments. So behind the scenes it did it but not visibly.
But as far as things go, I'm 100% there's nothing malicious going on other than liberalism. :)
Basically the video shows a ton of accounts making similar statements ... that are clearly not matching the very same video that each post includes. So that bot service prepared a long list of generated text, but then combined that with the wrong video. Geeez.
Today’s hed gif source is “The 4th Man.” More info here:
Well that looks juicy.
Verhoeven's movies can be a little, um, overheated, but I'll take a chance.
And while the title is clearly a nod to Carol Reed's masterpiece, it also makes me recall The 10th Victim, a weirdly prescient mid-60s Italian flick that contemplates government-sponsored reality TV killing.
I still remember Tobor the Eighth Man (actually that opening looks like a Tabs!)
Ooh, how have I missed this?! Love it!
I don't think I ever noticed your thing that says you "do France stuff"--cracked me up this morning, my friend!
"The Third Man" ruined me for this film.
Needs more zither music!
I saw the 4th Man years before the Third Man. I thought they were both pretty great.
Dunno about the Second or Fifth men.
By the time they got to The Sixth Man, the franchise had gone stale and repetitive.
Of course, the fanbros are upset that they're planning a gender-switch remake of of the Fifth Man.
The Sixth Man is not a number, he is a free man!
"Is that a pistol in your petals?"
You have done it, the Ultimate Tabs, a short subject worthy of submission to the Oscar committee.
Ironic that today’s gif features a man consumed by a dream.
I told my psychiatrist about a recurring nightmare.
I’m walking down the street and people are pelting me with quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
She told me I’m afraid of change
Only a ruble believe that story.
You will peso much for having told this joke.
Didn't they make a movie of this starring Christine Lati?
Was she an old witch, like a krona?
To be Franc, she had a Yen to help, but was a bit Lira
Mark my word.
And bet your bottom dollar. And show them no quarter. (This comment has two bits.)
Look, we don’t need this kind of drachma.
In for a penny, in for a pound
I'm not oboled over by that pun.
Euro not getting enough sleep, it's common cents.
Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you? 🤔
Please. **Average** pickles.
Please, honey, after my second ex husband, I don't artificially inflate pickle size any more. Tiny pickles iz tiny pickles 🤷♀️😀
Her name was Penny.
Makes cents.
To coin a phrase.
Make this all make cents! 😀
Presque vu!
I realized after the fact that I repeated what someone already said above. I will accept my lashing lol
ba dum tish!
I never knew Bucharest before the war either...
I like Krabbe- have to see if I can find the movie
Oh that was fun!
Haven’t read the Tabs yet - had to stop the car and run down here to uplike the TABZ!
Whew, that looks like one heck of a film. Sounds like something that would be right in MsEppe's wheelhouse.
I live in the same part of Louisiana that Fenton is in, a lot of small towns here profit from fines. There's a town that's between the town where I live and the city where I work that will pull people over for going 2 miles over the speed limit. You can always tell who lives here and who's just visiting, because residents know to obey the posted speed limit to the millimeter. (BTW I am not defending this practice, I think it sucks and is not a sustainable way to power a town.)
Obligatory, because no one can ever have enough Jason Isbell sad songs in their life:
First time hearing this song. Damn, I ain't cryin', YOU'RE cryin'! That was the perfect sad song for a rainy day all alone in a small town. Thanks for posting it.
Jason does sad songs that set a mood better than anybody.
Those lyrics literally transport you to a little town in flyover country.
Y'all - we need to talk about the propaganda, now
"The GOP's take on the 1/6 surveillance videos -- that they show a mostly "normal day" at the Capitol -- is like saying April 20, 1999 was a normal day at Columbine High School. "Look at these kids just coming and going to class!" Yeah, it was normal until about 11:20"
Garrett Bucks takes a look at corporations' rather silly and performative allyship. Oh, Listerine. . .
Speaking of how this country treats people differently who look different
I fervently agree with the professor that the former prosecutor pundits all need to be saying this
"If Trump were a Black man accused of leading illegal gang activities and spoke about judges, the prosecutor & witnesses the way he does, he would be gagged. Hearing would be 10 mins. Or he’d be jailed. Why don’t our TV fmr prosecutor pundits address this truth? #RuleofLaw"
He needs the Bobby Seale treatment (wrong for doing it to Bobby, totally cool for Fatso
Thank you so much for sharing the excellent NYT interview with Rabbi Brous, Rebecca.
I said I'd post this this a few times leading up to Thursday -
Here’s a printable PDF of my version of pumpkin pie - a tweak of Martha Stewart’s recipe, and not ALL that different from the recipe on the can. But better! Really! This makes Damn Good Pie, as Agent Cooper might have said…
War sucks, music helps.
Biden confused the number 1 pop star in the country with the pop star with the number 1 book in the country. He reads! Burn the witch!
Picked up a ~13 lb fresh turkey last night. Today I'll quarter it and get a breast quarter going in the sous vide. Thinking of bagging the 3 quarters for the freezer in sous vide bags with butter and cajun seasoning. Still deciding on freezing them before or after sous vide.
If your bath is big enough, might as well cook all 4 quarters while the water's up to temp and then freeze them afterwards. I've never noticed much of a difference SV before.
Why not cook two, freeze three, and then compare a pre-cooked frozen to a cooked-from-frozen and see which you prefer?
Our new apartment has a gas oven range. I know, I know. As bad as it is for the environment, I absolutely adore cooking with gas. It's infinitely better than electric. Also, I have no control over the appliances in a rental, so I'm not going to kick myself over it. Just enjoy it while I can!
Also, here's the new Capital One commercial with John Travolta as Santa. It just made my morning!
Easier to clean, too - no elements sticking out.
today's electric stoves are flat-topped! but no, I can't get anything in between "off" and "boiling over." Simmer doesn't seem to exist :/
My induction top is as controllable as gas, but it's all wasted on me anyway. What I do to prepare food for eating can in no way be described as "cooking".
Do you feel there's as much of a difference with the oven as with the rangetop? I'm on LPG, but would really like to install that dual fuel range oven one of these days, for the convection/proof/warm features my plain Jane gasser lacks. If you haven't tried induction, it turns off almost as quickly as gas, and heats the room less. I wouldn't expect to find an induction rangetop in 99% of apartments, but the little induction hotplates 'cook'.
You know, you're right! I really can't tell much of a difference with the oven. However, cooking on the stove is like night and day.
When/if I ever own a house, I do think I'd like induction, though. Seems like a nice compromise.
Well, if it's good enough for our beloved Editrix, it's good enough for me!
I got a simmer plate for my gas stove. I don't know if the orifices are wrong, but turned all the way down is still more than a simmer. It works as advertised, but I think the Vigo black beans and rice, that I need to simmer more than anything, are going in the Instant Pot henceforward. My oven runs about 75*F high, no calibration feature.
Instant Pots scare me a little! My grandmother had a pressure cooker explosion once, and it scarred me (and her!) for life. Glad you like yours, though.
Gas is way better than electric. So much better heat distribution.
--- New York Times Pitchbot
I am an anti-Big Tech, Jewish supporter of the free press. Here’s why I applaud the efforts of Elon Musk, who I do not support, to use Republican prosecutors, who I do not support, to silence reporting on his love for Adolf Hitler, who I do not support.
by Glenn Greenwald
the Ezra Klein thing is really good
Is it just my computer, or does Wonkette need to update their certificate or check their clock? what does this mean?
"Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more
you may have saved an old link to httpS:// ; it needs to be (no S)
I'm still using the old "S" address, and I have no problems?
sometimes it works, sometimes it tells you we are SPAM HAXXORS. So once it does that, you know how to fix it!
But I don't like SPAM!
That's not entirely true. I like turkey SPAM, which might be as close to actual turkey as I get this Thursday.
It's not just you. There's something wonky about this site. I don't think it's dangerous but I get that message sometimes.
And when I click the home page often I just get a blank page.
When I click into the comments for an article it appears to do nothing at all. So I Refresh the page and then I'm in the comments. So behind the scenes it did it but not visibly.
But as far as things go, I'm 100% there's nothing malicious going on other than liberalism. :)
Librulizm is communist fascism you know!
Bot problem .... solved. Muhahaha.
Basically the video shows a ton of accounts making similar statements ... that are clearly not matching the very same video that each post includes. So that bot service prepared a long list of generated text, but then combined that with the wrong video. Geeez.
"Jenny Rosenstrach’s Husband Andy’s Pomegranate Kale Salad"
What exactly was Jenny's role here? Why isn't it just "Andy Rosenstrach's Pomegranate Kale Salad"?
Andy was doing nothing to help Jenny in the kitchen so she screamed at him to "Make the salad!" That was her role.
Entirely plausible.