and you KNOW she's not drinking that soda. not with that recent weight loss.

she's leaving it for her obese minions to drop dead of health related diseases.

as per always, gross.

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It's just the physics of getting old, combined with having your head up your ass.

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You can actually hear him shouting his war cry, much like the famous <i>Wolveriiiines</i> of Red Dawn, right through the picture:


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I am confused, isn't it supposed to be sodas in those Big Gulps, not miniature sharks to jump?

This rightwing meme is a classic! Way up there with "Santorum Planking" and "HypnoNewt"

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Oh, my.

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“The Really New Colossus” <i>A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Grifters. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide warning; her wild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that CPAC frames. “"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!"” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your crazy, your rednecks, Your huddled masses yearning to bow to me, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the brainless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp like a golden whore!”</i>

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Come on now, do we really think $arah was drinking full sugar regular coke, not coke zero or some other nuclear waste sweetened toxic swill. She has to keep slim if she ever wants to get back on the cover of Runner's World again.

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The mysterious one-armed man on The Fugitive?

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"Some dumb blog." How dumb? Having decided, for reasons of their own, to steal the motto of the Order of the Thistle, they can't even copy it correctly. They've got "lacesset" instead of "lacessit". Perhaps they should adopt <a href="http:\/\/www.dead.net\/sites\/default\/files\/GRA6160011_main.jpg" target="_blank">this pose</a>.

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Counterbalancing cheap* diabetes in a cup is tyranny. Government-mandated vagina probes are life-affirming. ____________________________ * cheap because taxpayers subsidize corn syrup production

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All spelled correctly? I think not.

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Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to eat free Their fatty lunch-meats, sugared drinks and starches, Send these, the wretched Applebeed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden arches!

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Late to the game, but here goes.

1. Dude, third from the right? Um, high fructose corn syrup is not your friend. 2. Everyone talked about what a looker Sarah is, but you know...she doesn't have much of an ass.

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no gays to help with fashion choices.

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She sounds pretty good in a prepared speech but in a unscripted interview she sounds like a stoned valley girl.

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If he was alive, Auguste Bartholdi would weep knowing that Joan of Wasilla represents the noiser, child-like form of democracy.

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