I imagine these two smell like all the variations of descriptions of the smell of Sex Panther from Anchorman. My favorite being Bigfoot's dick.

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What on earth does it take to get disbarred in this country FFS?

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The GOPers sure love to joke in great detail about killing people in very specific ways. I hope the FBI is able to stop the lunatics who take these jokes seriously enough to buy weapons and plan a murder spree.

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Shenanigans with clients' money.

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Not being white.

I was engaged to a great man, great attorney, whose father was one of this country's first federal judges of color, and he was disbarred for embezzlement, and he didn't really care if people knew (not the choice I'd have made, but - not my career) -- in part because he knew if he'd been a white man he'd have been treated like Steve Mnuchin and Jared Kushner are now. BIG thieves, stealing public money, let off with a nod, a wink, and a slap on the wrist (maybe).

I know another man of color - brilliant, beat me out in Commercial Paper class by one point and got the only "A" (lady professor; suspect she didn't really want other ladies succeeding, and definitely not ahead of men) - went to work for the SEC, wanted to push for more white collar crime cases to be prosecuted in part because he saw so much money, public and private, being STOLEN by privileged people, mostly white men.

He got fired instead.

Hyper-capitalist Western society is not a just system or a just world to live in. The sooner we face up to that, acknowledge it, the more empowered we'll be to be able to do something about it.

But if we live in denial because we're afraid of what we *might* lose if we try to do something about it, not only will it never get fixed, it will probably get worse.

What did it take for us to get a Trump and a Kushner enabled by a Bush or a Mnuchin?

Two Bushes, a Rove, and a Cheney.

Senator Warren said it -- the obscenely rich and powerful will move the goalposts incrementally, while we're not looking.

Vigilance is one of the prices of democracy. It doesn't have to be constant, but it can't be abandoned.

If it's abandoned, we end up where we are right now.

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You'll still only get disbarred for those shenanigans if you're not white.

You might get disciplined if you try those shenanigans - and get caught - and your boss can't find some way to rationalize it away - but if you're also white, you won't get disbarred.

Price for the maintenance of the white supremacist power structure at large ... even if/when white folks who call themselves "progressive" don't like to talk about that so much.

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'Member how if you're donald's sister ya just retire and the investigation gets dropped?

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Toensing and diGenova -the Diamond & Silk of Dumb & Dumber

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