What else've we got, carrots or broccoli? "If you get a shot, we'll give you a pack of natto." "How about some organic beansprouts?" I don't drink but would bet that you'd get more takers if you offered them beer.
Or your penis won't work right for years after you get it. Or you might not be able to spawn either, not that that is a down side for the idiots who are anti vax.
Ta, Dok. I have about a dozen certifications in holistic health (more if one counts things like Motivational Interviewing), so I'm a certified Woo expert. I got vaccinated as soon as my employer, a federally qualified health clinic (FQHC) offered.
This kowtowing to nutbars is really pissing me the fuck off. Unless these people want to permit me the right to go around around pantsless where I please, then they need to STFU and get their shots.
Ha! Apparently "perkele" (the devil) and "Satana" (sp?) (Satan) are the top two swears in Finland but the one I know is "vittu" and it is the equivalent of our dreaded c-word. It is used much like we use fuck, and is widely used, not shocking the way it is here. I am 1/4 Finn and was proud to learn that the rest of the nordic countries consider us pretty foul-mouthed!On that note, here is my swear: "Haista vittu!" (pronounced hoist-a vee-too). It means (brace yourself) "go smell a c*** !! "
(I am not swearing at you and I love your avatar...)
It makes me sad. I spent a lot of time as a kid in Ohio, in the Batavia area. That's where I learned all my mad tractor driving skills. I miss what Ohio was.
IMHO Finns are a lot more fun to hang out with than Scandis, who completely live up to their reputation of being emotionally repressed (except when they drink, then look out.) I met another Finnish woman on that same trip who is one of the funniest people I know, and we became good friends. She’s even come over to visit me in Canada.
Either that or some form of mass psychosis.
What else've we got, carrots or broccoli? "If you get a shot, we'll give you a pack of natto." "How about some organic beansprouts?" I don't drink but would bet that you'd get more takers if you offered them beer.
You means- G- gh-g.. get vaxxorcized???
I can see the script for the movie now, The Vaxorcist
I was thinking of acupuncturists putting needle holes in you to let the vax run out.
Or your penis won't work right for years after you get it. Or you might not be able to spawn either, not that that is a down side for the idiots who are anti vax.
They just want to take us back to the early 1000's. https://www.historyofvaccin...
Blue states should open vaccine clinics just over the state lines. They can be our fireworks store.
That dog's obesity is a crime. Somebody arrest Justice for felony animal abuse.
Ta, Dok. I have about a dozen certifications in holistic health (more if one counts things like Motivational Interviewing), so I'm a certified Woo expert. I got vaccinated as soon as my employer, a federally qualified health clinic (FQHC) offered.
May her memory always be a blessing.
This kowtowing to nutbars is really pissing me the fuck off. Unless these people want to permit me the right to go around around pantsless where I please, then they need to STFU and get their shots.
Ha! Apparently "perkele" (the devil) and "Satana" (sp?) (Satan) are the top two swears in Finland but the one I know is "vittu" and it is the equivalent of our dreaded c-word. It is used much like we use fuck, and is widely used, not shocking the way it is here. I am 1/4 Finn and was proud to learn that the rest of the nordic countries consider us pretty foul-mouthed!On that note, here is my swear: "Haista vittu!" (pronounced hoist-a vee-too). It means (brace yourself) "go smell a c*** !! "
(I am not swearing at you and I love your avatar...)
You should look into it! My landlord is from California, and so were two of my better high-school teachers. Our west coast is awesome!
It makes me sad. I spent a lot of time as a kid in Ohio, in the Batavia area. That's where I learned all my mad tractor driving skills. I miss what Ohio was.
IMHO Finns are a lot more fun to hang out with than Scandis, who completely live up to their reputation of being emotionally repressed (except when they drink, then look out.) I met another Finnish woman on that same trip who is one of the funniest people I know, and we became good friends. She’s even come over to visit me in Canada.