How many times do you think the judges can send 'em back and forth, before they wise up?

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<i>For reasons I don't quite understand, Utah did this</i>

Grandstanding, no? The only chance they had of getting a stay was by persuading a judge that once people started getting married the cat would be out of the bag, Katie bar the door, that's all she wrote.

Which persuaded no one.

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I think such a thing could have easily passed not too long ago, but they were too squeamish about it to bring it up.

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Just guessing here: they didn't stand a chance in hell of getting a stay from Shelby or the 10th and they knew it. So all they were aiming to do was to show that they were Fighting the Good Fight down to the last, and that those Obama appointees are radical socialists, so that they can now go out and fundraise. It didn't matter what order they asked for anything; they were just making empty gestures. The "emergency" is nonsense, but it plays well to the base. OMG! If we don't stop it now, the Gays will all get married tomorrow and then it will be Too Late!!!11!!111!

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I'm a little slow, but I am beginning to understand Activist Judge just means any judge that doesn't do what the wingnuts want them to.

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As if the old one wasn't.

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So glad these judges are gettin into the jeebus day spirit minds me of teh ghey song of deck your balls with holly tra la la la la lala "don we now your ghey apparel" which I am thinks might what be a strap on dill doe

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Well, I was planning to get straight married, someday, because according to their arguments I'm basically breaking the law by not getting all procreative and all, but then I remembered I'm 53. And had a hysterectomy. Oops.

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1:1 ratio? I think not. Since gay marriage is worse than the holocaust, it should be more like 1:6,000,000. Six million straight marriages were just destroyed. POOF

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Thanks for Prop H8!

I guess all the magic underwear in the world doesn't protect you against being bitten in the ass by karma, huh?


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No snark, Mr. PsycWench and I celebrated our 20th anniversary yesterday. It's a damned shame that there are so many people determined to keep gay men and women from having the same celebration.

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