How many times do we have to read articles from astonished pollsters noting that pro-choice positions don't actually drive voters away? I feel like I read one every four years.

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They are targeting an undesirable demographic. Ever try to better your life with more kids than you can handle?

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If any justice can be impeached it's him.

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As I understand it, there are laws in several states that legally require doctors to lie to their patients about the relative risks of abortion and pregnancy/childbirth, so why not make things even more interesting by forcing the patients to lie to their doctors?

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https://www.epilepsy.com/ar...He has epilepsy and had to be hospitalized for nearly a month after he had a seizure and hit his head and it's not the first time that's happened to him.

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Interesting, I hadn't heard about that before. Thanks!

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Think of the brain power that went into crafting first this law and then this decision, brain power that could've been used to find answers to real problems faced by actual suffering people, had the brains been housed in the skulls of people who gave a shit about such things.

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You're welcome.

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Suppose I managed to find a "cure" for Down syndrome, that when administered in vitro, prevented 3/4 of the Down syndrome fetuses from actually being born with it. Suppose that it wouldn't end the syndrome, but substantially reduce the number of children afflicted with it. Unfortunately, we'd still have a "Down syndrome community" going forward, but it would be only 25% of what we currently deal with. Would I be guilty of "hurting" this community by substantially reducing the size of it? If not, how is this different from reducing the size of that community by terminating a fetus that is destined to suffer Down syndrome?

The answer is quite obvious- the only actual difference is the number of babbies being born over all and that is the REAL issue with the forced birthers. They don't care what kind of shape that babby is in, whether it suffers deformities or birth defects, how hard that child's - and that family's- lives will be. It's all about cranking out the maximum number of children, screw the consequences for everyone involved.

What's next? Are we going to apply this ugly law to a fetus with a heart defect or other deformity? Cancer? Severe neurological conditions? Will all abortions for medical reasons pertaining to the child's health and viability be outlawed? This is seriously evil. Who exactly is this community who would prefer others be born only to suffer the same afflictions that they themselves suffer from, just to swell the ranks of their "community". Who exactly are these "communities" of people suffering debilitating afflictions that would wish that pain and suffering on others, just so there were more people like them? Because I'm willing to bet that those people would be the LAST to wish that suffering on others for their own selfish reasons. Whatever their feelings on abortion might be in general terms, I doubt that there are ANY who would oppose someone else having one just so they could add another member to the Down syndrome club. That is fucking ghoulish...

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It's not even about cranking out the babies. It's about punishing women for having sex, by forcing them to suffer through pregnancy and childbirth. They feel blind rage at the thought of a woman being "loose" and getting away with it. That's why they oppose contraception, even though it vastly cuts down on the number of abortions - the thing they pretend is their actual concern.

Right-wing Christofascists are thoroughly fucked up about all forms of human sexuality, and THAT is what motivates the shitheads. (I'm not sure why they can't just leave it up to their god to punish the sinners ... it suggests a certain lack of faith, IMO.)

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Not correct. It applies to a long list of private actors, including physicians, their employees and even people who code insurance bills.

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If I had the wherewithal, I could dig up countless pictures of other right-wing extremists also wielding and displaying their precious guns. They all look like thugs to me, but the behaviour is much more understandable in a teenage boy than in all of those so-called adults.

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Brain time, yes. Brain power, ehhh, not so much.

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It's the Republican way in all things, so they see no problem here.

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Much more likely that they reduced access.

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I am 66. I had an abortion when I was 36. Yes, sometimes lesbians have abortions, too and it was not rape....it was making a big mistake while drunk. (I've been sober ever since.) When I had my abortion, there was a rule, in my state, Texas, that they were required to lecture you and show you pictures of fetuses and newborns. It did make me sad. Luckily, the counselor was cool and also a lesbian so she made it as brief as possible but it still fucked with my head. I can still see the pictures.

I have plenty of young friends with babies I love and hold but it was just something in the way they were presented. I still cry sometimes and feel guilt but it was the right thing to do and in the same situation, I would do it again. Emotions are complex. It is almost never simple but I am still 100% pro-choice. ...and just fyi, I also 100% support the women for whom it is simple, just in case you wanted to be all judge-y, I'm not.

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