Olive Oil Is An Acceptable Topic
Also, a brief window into the music career of one Danny Aiello.

Happy Extra Virgin Olive Oil Day!
You know what? Olive oil absolutely should have its own holiday. Good for olive oil! I don’t know much else to say about that other than …
Fourth pressing, fifth pressing. What’s that all about? Why wait til everyone else has had their fun with the olives?
This week, courtesy of the ObscureFilms subreddit, I bring you the very exciting gift of a music video from the late, great … Danny Aiello!
So you know how he played the dad in Madonna’s “Papa Don’t Preach” video? Well, he also made his own response song and video to that, from the dad’s perspective, called “Papa Wants The Best For You.” It is … it is not good.
Madonna declined to reprise her role as the daughter, so they hired a Madonna look-a-like. To be fair, Danny Aiello was actually not wrong to be concerned in this whole scenario and I was always a little on his side as a kid — hypothetical teenage Madonna should not have kept that baby, and even if that dude did actually marry her, statistically there was very little chance of that working out well.
So weird how that whole thing just really makes me want to go make out with a one-handed Nicolas Cage.
Coincidentally, today is International Blasphemy Day, which we can also relate back to Madonna, for reasons of “Like A Prayer.” The Catholic Church was not big on that one. OH, and it is international mud pack day, so go do a face masque if that is your thing. Self care! I also recommend washing your face with olive oil, not just because it is olive oil day, but because it makes your skin feel super nice.
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Talk amongst yourselves!
Hi, Wonks.
Not going into work tonight. I asked if I could use sick time on account of my pulled muscle pain being worse than usual, and it was granted. I can rest today. And I can comfort Mom today once we send Belle off to the Rainbow Bridge.
In honor of Blasphemy day....
As a kid, I had a scale to determine just how much I'd pissed my father off.
Stage 1: Shake of the head - Not much trouble, carry on
Stage 2: Dad mutters, "Jesus." - Still not much in the way of trouble, but you've started down that road.
Stage 3: Dad mutters a little louder, "Jesus Christ." - You're on his radar, but there's little chance of great bodily harm. Proceed with caution.
Stage 4: Dad says somewhat loudly, "Jesus Christ Almighty!" - Tread lightly, stop what you're doing, and consider going to your room. The kettle's close to boiling.
Stage 5: Dad bellows at the top of his lungs, "Jesus Fucking Christ Almighty!" - Girl, you in danger. Go to your room immediately and shut the door.