"So, these people are going to refuse blood transfusions and possibly die, because they don’t want to accidentally get vaccinated blood, because they believe it will kill them. "

Hmmm. More medical resources for normal people, and a possible reduction in the number of deranged maniacs threatening society. I don't see a problem.

Go Darwin!

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Next thing you know white people will be forced to use antifa blood.

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Who is largely responsible for creating these crazies? Trump.

How many of these crazies insisted, from their hospital beds where they were dying of covid,

"I will never get the Vaccine! " Then they would die.

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Tr*mp is a manifestation of the Id of the Rethug party that has existed all along (remember Barry Goldwater, John Burch and Joe McCarthy?) This is not a new dynamic. What's "new" is 40 years' of Democrats kowtowing to the made-up reality of Limbaugh and Faux "News"...

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I knew someone years ago who was a Jehovah's Witness, was in a terrible accident with a post hole digger, and lost most of one arm. Because of his beliefs, he refused transfusions, and they couldn't do the surgery to reattach his arm.

Religion is STUPID.

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See, here’s the thing.

Many, many years ago, my Dad was in an auto accident and was given a blood transfusion. I don’t know if it was the times and there wasn’t a test for it or if blood wasn’t routinely tested for it back then, but he contracted Hepatitis C.

This disease plagued him until the end of his life many years later. A cure, or a maintenance treatment for Hep C wasn’t created until after he had died, so he just had to put up with it.

I hope these idiots contract Hep C from a transfusion. It’s the least they can do.

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I cannot confirm that they test for it specifically the way they do HIV and a few other things, but they do at least screen for it in the questionnaire they ask before any donation nowadays.

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Conspiracy Canuckistanian Chris needs to acquire a better set of uppers or caps, if he wants me to entertain any of his whackaloon idears. I keep getting distracted by the pack of chiclets he's sportin' in his lyin' mouf.

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More candidates for the Alabama Supreme Court (prerequisite: abysmal lack of medical knowledge; bonus points for god-bothering dogma).

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It’s easy to blarp about having “pure blood” and smugly gloat about being unvaccinated and how much smarter you are than the majority who followed healthcare guidelines, if you aren’t struggling to breathe due to a Covid respiratory infection. There are sadly plenty of cautionary tales on social media about Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers who found themselves desperately begging nurses and doctors to keep them alive on respirators. Covid is no joke. I got the shots and reacted strongly to most of them. It signaled to me that Covid might really be a problem for me. After 4 years of masking and isolating and being lucky, I got sick last month and tested positive for Covid, and it kicked my ass. I can’t imagine how much worse it might have been had I been unvaccinated. It was still bad. Chest and sinus congestion, and moderate tightness and difficulty taking a deep breath. Body aches and extreme fatigue. I eventually needed antiviral Paxlovid, which did help immensely. I still feel tired and a little slower with memory and cognition, but I consider myself lucky.

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Right? When I finally did catch COVID in New Year's Day in 2023, I was pretty damn sick for a few days. (It might have been NYE in 2022. It was most likely at one bar after midnight but might have been one earlier; both were crowded and full of parties. I suspect it was the second bar though because then I was overjoyed that my beloved Dawgs managed to beat Ohio State and t I got careless and hugged too many strangers. My own fault.)

Although I was gross and sick for a week, I was grateful that I was 1. able to delay catching it until it was the significantly weakened XBB strain and 2. had enough prior exposure via vaccines and the less contagious but stronger variants that I was able to fight it off and not end up any sicker than I did. Only fully lost my sense of smell for about 24 hours, and it returned stronger than ever before after a few days.

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Nutty. Why do they think people who’ve been vaccinated have different blood? Was there any legitimate study done or warning issued by scientists or medical experts? Or, was it in the pudding these people churn and stir and slurp all over the wingnut echo chambers on the internet? There is certainly something intoxicating about refusing to accept any established facts to these folks. Maybe a standard maga emergency healthcare card is a good idea after all - “Wingnut. Do not resuscitate, no transfusions, no gender reassignment.”

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There is some evidence that for the first few days after exposure, either to the vaccine or to catching COVID itself, you are at a higher risk of thrombosis due to clotting. This is thought to be from the nature of the immune response itself, not due to anything inherent to COVID or its vaccine specifically.

This is why if your doctor says "Hey, maybe don't get vaccines" you should stick to N95 masks instead. Unfortunately, the very folks at highest risk for this kind of immune response tend to be those who have their head in the sand about the state of their own cardiovascular health. So of course they have the highest risk of either 1. ending up with a severe reaction to the virus and landing in ICU for two months or 2. having a bad reaction to the vaccine because their own immune system went nuts.

And the Venn diagram with anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers is nearly a perfect circle.


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i am at the point where i want to shrug and say let them die. i don't want to be at that point, but i am tired of saving lunatics from their lunacy

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Yes, we used to save them from their own stupidity, by requiring vaccinations while young, the parents who had lived through peers dying of disease, that now had vaccinations for, understood the consequences and got their kids vaxxed. We nearly eradicated many diseases, limiting them to third world countries where they didn't vax.

Russian trolls started in the 80s- 90's to push anti-vax nonsense on medically ignorant people, the far left which doesn't much xist other than in conspiracy theory world, and the far right immediately bought into it.

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Whether it was during the Third Reich, or at Hogwart's, the people bragging about their 'pure blood' have never been the good guys.

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I know we all live in our separate media bubble echo chambers. But surely there is enough overlap where "pure blood" is obviously rascist/villainy sounding. Ugh then again some think unironically of the fatherland and stolen Indian and native America signs.

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Thank you! I'm sure it is anti-Jewish, because they always say Jewish people are villains.

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It sure does seem like the idiots out there are even stupider than they used to be! Could it be the children's ice cream, Mandrake?

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And so Florida is saying measles vaccines are the devil, eh? People do die from measles, you know


And: About 1 child out of every 1,000 who get measles will develop encephalitis (swelling of the brain) that can lead to convulsions and can leave the child deaf or with intellectual disability. So if the anti Vaxxers and the Right Wing Pro-Life MAGA's have their way they can harm even more children.

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I’m an old. So old that I actually contracted all these childhood illnesses because the vaccines didn’t exist. The only vax I ever got were for smallpox and polio.

The measles left me hearing-impaired. That’s for life. It only gets worse as I get older. I don’t understand why these moe-rons want this for their own children, especially considering that their parents more than likely vaccinated them.

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Yep. Whooping cough (4, I remember the ride to the hospital and the oxygen tent). We all had chicken pox. I had both measles. Never mumps, though. I also have my shingles & pneumonia vaxx + all the others, of course. TB is drug resistant now. >:-(

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I'm old enough to still have scars fr chicken pox and my father was hospitalized as an adult when he got it. All the vaccines save lives and these morons still wanna play make belive.

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Here I've sat, waiting patiently, for the "RAPTURE" to take all the nincompoops away so we could finally be the well-informed society that so many of us have always wanted.

Luckily, anti-vaxers don't want to wait for their sky daddy to "beam them up Scotty!"



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I might not be able to fix stupid......but Darwinism can......especially with a little covid on the side.

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I miss the Darwin awards. Nice little preview of the internet's dark humor and foreshadowing of what was coming.

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And them doing a public service by removing themself from the gene-pool, that was my favorite qualification.

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I was promised with the Rapture that they would leave all their Earthly belongings behind so we could go through their discarded clothes and houses for the scratch to throw the biggest party the world has ever seen before we hunker down and repair all the things the dearly departed fucked up.

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There are some hospitals that do “bloodless” surgery. I know because my BIL who was a witness was considering a liver transplant. I don’t really get why a liver is ok, but not blood. There are a hundred or so hospitals that do it, but it isn’t for emergencies, it is for planned procedures. Other than that, the JW procedure is no blood, so that should make the crazies happy. They really should put more effort into creating a blood replacement. It does seem sort of barbaric the way it is still done. Probably a financial thing. They get it for free and charge for it.

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There are blood substitutes but they lack many of the proteins that make blood not just a red blood cell transport medium. Not to mention, they lack red blood cells.

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I know it’s not great, but I don’t think a lot of effort is being put into making a useable substitute.

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The last time I gave my thoroughly-vaccinated O+ blood, I forgot to eat before. I also forgot to eat after. I don't know if I drank anything that day besides coffee. And then I ran a bunch of errands. And then I forgot to rest. And then I skipped dinner to drink a lot of wine with my friends on a zoom call. And then I needed a hot hot shower. And then, in the dim light of the kids' bedroom, hanging onto the top rail of the bunk bed saying my goodnights, I felt sleepy. "I'm just going to lay down," I said. And then my kid was being all annoying and interrupting this really vivid dream I was having, like "Mom Mom MOM!" and I finally woke up and realized I was splayed out on the carpet and had passed out and knocked over a chair on my way down, and fortunately did not hit my head on anything.

So I don't do that anymore. The bloodletting. I still forget to consume food and water, go all day on just coffee and wine, and I love hot showers.

It was actually this fine mommyblog that told me to donate a couple of years ago (because EMERGY!) and I made a regular habit out of it... until the crashboombruisetumble. When I grow up and take better care of myself, I'll share the blood again.

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