You ignorant little git with your Rugby Thug comment. The I is a foreigner person is no excuse, the intertubes are supposed to be your friend and educates you.Rugby is a noble game of skill played by real men and women, who laugh at your so called footballers with their body armour, who are so unfit they cannot spend a whole 90 minutes on the field.I am sure that if I could remember,some of the happiest moments of my life have been spent on the terraces watching Gods game. I also include the time spent in club houses all over the country both before and after the match and the many pubs I discovered while travelling on supporters coach to away games.Not once have I witnessed any thuggish behaviour in the crowd even when most of them have been three sheets to the wind.Rugby has always been a game for gentlemen\ women, which seems to preclude the author.


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If only they had allowed guns, this would not have happened.

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Yuk circus peanuts!

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And they may or may not contain peanuts.

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Yup, sounds exactly like my mom in one of her 'off' moments (which was a lot of the time).

Actually, my parents couldn't be arsed to take us kids to any community event.

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That happened at a community easter egg hunt I organized several years ago. Then, the dipshits who ruined it with their own bad behavior criticized me for not planning for the fact that adults will be assholes to little kids. I will never be involved with another easter egg hunt for as long as I live.

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And that is why I stopped trying to be a teacher. The kids are alright. The parents are nightmares.

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Wait a minute. This happened over ... PEZ? Is there some version of PEZ I don't know about that is worth knocking down four year olds over? Because the PEZ I know is a lozenge of lightly sweetened sidewalk chalk made barely palatable by its insertion down the throat of a miniature Gandalf, whose head you rip off every time you want one, which occurs every never.

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No, but every time I pass a colleague in the halls, they ask me "How many?" because they know I've got the days counted down. I've been counting down the weeks since 100.

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Last parent/teacher night this Wednesday. Then I get drunk.

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Just don't do anything to lose the benefits. Telling the boss to take a flying ____ the last day is not a good idea, no matter what your co-workers say...

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Yeah, it would be tempting, but I might want to use her as a reference sometime, so, no.

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Gilbert, is that you?

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The only proper response to your defense of rugby is, none of it applies to rugby in the U.S. As I understand it, most rugby teams in the U.S. are a group of drunk young people and handfuls of people who think they are still young only because they have not yet crippled themselves in a rugby match. The game serves as an excuse to get as drunk as possible and pound the living shit out of someone. Avoiding injurious behavior is discouraged by shouting sexist and homophobic epithets at each other and punching each other in the crotch. There is very little tactical or skilled activity on a U.S. rugby field. It tends to resemble a pack of burly, not very intelligent dogs chasing a ball while pausing to pound a beer or bite one another.

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this is the country under trump. ayn rand will be on the ten dollar bill, and everyone will have to get what they can while the getting's good. if you don't get any, fuck you looser! shoulda just snaked it like i did.

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How much time do you have?

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