GOP Rep. Paul Gosar Has Groyper Working In His Office, On Purpose
And we'd love to be shocked, but we're not.
Today in news I'm sure we'd all love to be surprised by — it turns out that one of Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar's staffers, and the person in control of his internet presence, is a Groyper.
Talking Points Memo reported this weekend that Wade Searle, Gosar's digital director, is a devoted long-time acolyte of Nick Fuentes. For years, Searle — along with Landen Petersen, an intern in Gosar's office — has been posting online in Groyper forums under a variety of poultry-related handles, such as “Chikken,” “Chikkenright,” and "ChickenRight." This tracks, given Gosar's online behavior, including being active on the far-right social media site Gab, repeating white nationalist propaganda and generally behaving more like a 19-year-old 4chan shitposter than a 64-year-old dentist.
Well ... most dentists, anyway.

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Arizona GOP Rep. Paul Gosar Caught Cuddling With White Supremacists Again
Just A Congressman Tweeting Cartoon Video Of Himself Murdering Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Searle, it seems, is so devoted to Fuentes that not only has he made multiple public appearances with him, he took an actual loyalty pledge.
“Raise your right hand. ‘I swear my undying allegiance to Nicholas J. Fuentes and the America First movement, so help me God,’” Fuentes said, according to TPM. “Raise your hand. Hold it high. ‘I swear I will defend the white race, my nation America, and my savior Jesus Christ, and my loyalty to the America First movement, Nicholas J. Fuentes, so help me God.’”
What the hell is with these people and their creepy loyalty oaths?
The ChickenRight account was not just pledging loyalty to Fuentes but also producing some pretty horrifying content themselves.
Along with clear evidence tying the accounts to Searle, the “ChickenRight” Gab and Twitter archives contain extensive examples of extremist rhetoric. ChickenRight regularly shared Fuentes’ videos and other extremist content. On Twitter and Gab, they posted statements and graphics suggesting trans people are “pedophiles,” that LGBTQ individuals are engaged in “sin,” and that women should not be part of the workforce . ChickenRight also minimized slavery , and made disparaging comments about Blacks , Asians , and Jews. In one instance, they referenced anti-Semitic stereotypes and criticized “HOOK-NOSED BANKERS.” In another, ChickenRight proffered a version of the Great Replacement conspiracy theory .
“The liberal apparatus encourages murderous, violent, genocidal behavior to resentful non-whites (of which they import millions every year) with 24/7 constant genocidal anti-White rhetoric, and conservative media responds by telling us to close our eyes and ‘unite’ as we’re basically being slowly murdered,” ChickenRight wrote on Nov. 23, 2021, which, based on House financial disclosures, was five days after Searle joined Gosar’s team as a temporary employee.
What a peach.
I was personally able to find several Telegram accounts associated with the various "Chikken" alter-egos, including one called "chi's channel" that just posts images. This GIF was posted on Sunday, which is when the TPM article came out.
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This also came up in a search for Chikken — an account called "America First Fan" that was asking people to pray for Fuentes due to all of the witches casting spells on him.

The various Chikken telegram accounts had posts shared by other prominent far-right weirdos, including former GOP Qanon candidate Lauren Witzke and Laura Loomer.
None of this information is particularly shocking, given Gosar's behavior. He's been unapologetically far-right and has had no qualms about publicly associating with Fuentes. He delivered the keynote speech at Fuentes' America First Political Action Conference. When confronted about this, he defended the decision. "We thought about it, and we thought: There is a group of young people that are becoming part of the election process, and becoming a bigger force," Gosar told The Washington Post at the time. "So why not take that energy and listen to what they've got to say?"
Because they're neo-Nazi white supremacists? Just tossing that one out there. Not that it needs to be said, but there is literally no reason to listen to those people, as they have been saying the same things for centuries. They're not coming up with any new material, and even if they were able to put a new spin on old bigotries — knowing what their end game is makes anything they might be able to add fairly insignificant.
Not long after AFPAC, Gosar did a fundraising event with Fuentes, as well.
Gosar also, as you will recall, posted an anime video of himself violently killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacking President Biden, which got him kicked off of his committee assignments. What does deserve attention, however, is the fact that — with much of this information already out there — he was just re-elected last year. Also the fact that once Republicans controlled the House again, he was given all of his committee assignments back.
So the people in his district knew what he was and what he stood for and re-elected him. His fellow Republicans knew what he was and what he stood for and gave him his committee assignments back. There is almost no chance that hiring a literal white supremacist as his digital director is going to impact him in any way. Republicans are fine with this. Not just because they're not personally bothered by it, but because they don't even see it as a risk, because they do not think that anyone who would vote for them would have any real problem with anything Fuentes (or Wade Searle) says.
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Insecurities. Cosplaying feudalism.
When you're a star like him, they let you groyp them.