Needs Moar “Lyin’ Ryan is a dick!”

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Like he's ever going to touch a tool. A "tool" maybe.

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And which 'Paul Ryan' would this be?

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Actually, Ford was named VP after Spiro Agnew resigned as VP due to a tax issue. Ford was House Minority Leader at the time, and this happened before Nixon was really considering resigning.

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I'm guessing RIH means rest in hell. People (using the term loosely) like the zombie-eyed granny starver, Ronnie Raygun, and the rest of their cohort make me wish there were such a place.

I have that same visceral reaction to Ryan. The only fitting end for him would be in the gutter, with a refrigerator box for his only shelter, no food or medicine, and no comfort. Since that's not going to happen, may he and his ambitions be murdered with VOTES.

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It is both infuriating and amusing that Paul Ryan believes that he even lifts - if those dumbbells in his fave gym pic weigh more than 15 pounds, I will eat his stupid hat. :P

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Hold on now...have you considered the hatability of Jeff Sessions (R-Racism)? Jeff Sessions makes my blood boil.

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"Paul Ryan is supposedly saying “quietly” that he is quitting"

I would say Ryan's trying to leave on a high note, but hey, Bass players can't really do that.http://m.quickmeme.com/img/...

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If by that you mean "wouldn't start a nuclear war with a tweet" and "wouldn't causally insult every other world leader" and even "would know how to respond appropriately in times of national crisis/tragedy" -- it's still a pretty low bar for "decent".

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Or both. Nothing like double- or triple-dipping paychecks while still working fewer hours than most Americans do on a single job.

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Fear! when the drum solo stops - fear! then the bass solo begins.

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Then why don't you use the information to inform your post - you made a stupid post then whinge when it is pointed out to you, using your new words.

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Something something with votes...and may his bowel movements be very painful

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This puke is worse than Trump could ever aspire to be. Trump is merely an opportunist who will sign onto anything that keeps him in the spotlight; Ryan *truly believes* that it is a moral imperative that Granny Has To Die.

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Heh. That's not to say I can't use adjacent words in a thesaurus to describe others and their ideas, but Ryan is the one over the last decade or so whose ideas inspire fantasies that make me question whether or not I'm really a good or nice person. Mostly 'cause he's dangererously effective at clothing the worst ideas of the hard right git of Ayn Rand and bible thumpers as "reasonable" because almost half the country think he's something more than a pseudowonk.

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Yeah, I did not say that lightly. My "inner brother" always makes me weigh use of the word "hate". Fortunately, in everyday conversation, I've learnt to substitute other words for things about which I have strong negative feelings such that recent conversations with my real brother are less likely to bog down. :-)

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