Didn't his original collection burn up a couple decades ago?

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Well, in particular, he said that he would veto funding for the Political Crimes Unit, or whatever it's called, until the DUI-DA resigned. Honestly, that may still have been within his authority, but it certainly violates the spirit of the line-item veto, which is, as I understand it, to allow the executive to nuke particularly egregious bits of pork. I mean, that's the normal justification for it.

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I was in college at the same time as then-Lew-Alcindor, and initially I didn't much care for the fact that UCLA won all the fucking games. But my respect for the guy grew considerably when the NCAA eliminated the dunk <i>specifically</i> for him. Instead of bitching and/or moaning or sulking about it, he just developed an unstoppable shot which then stood him in rather good stead in the NBA.

Of course, John Wooden probably helped him with his attitude.

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You miss the part where they want to build a WAY bigger plant specifically in the migration path of a bunch of endangered raptors among other types of birds? Also how this plant is basically a magnet for insects, making it more attractive for birds that hunt them. 28,000 also just a rough estimate from scientists based on their observations at site, is not based on years and years of statistics as I presume your skyscraper number would be?

I'm not even suggesting this plant should be shut down immediately and the tech abandoned, hopefully they'll find ways to minimize birds getting in to the kill zone.

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Couldn't agree with this more, home generated or even block generated power is not only more efficient and potentially cheaper as we can stop servicing the decaying grid en masse, but its "safer" in the event of a natural disaster or a terrorist attack, its much more difficult to destroy our power system when its generation isn't centralized.

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...Yes, a large scale research study published five years ago is going to be statistically more accurate than a number some wildlife scientists came up with as a rough projection for a totally different type of single site wildlife threat over a couple days of observation. As I already alluded to in my response to your comment.

I'm really puzzled by what your point is? Next time I want to point out that some wildlife is being killed by a corporation is there a specific scale I need to place my lament on so that it can be properly contextualized to your satisfaction? As the original article I linked points out WAY more birds are also killed each year by domesticated cats that people let roam freely. I fail to see how that changes anything that I said in my original comment.

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I find this whole "exploding birds" thing to be a bit of a bummer. <a href="http://talkingpointsmemo.co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/birds-bursting-...">http://talkingpointsmemo.co...

Look, even "Green" corporations can manipulate the shit out of data and our government to effectively do what they want! Isn't unrestricted free enterprise just the greatest?

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Did Don Lemon find the Malaysian airliner in Ferguson?

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Not clicking on that hobby link. Nope.

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McCain dancing reminds me that i need more fiber in my diet.

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Penis Collector is the new name for the House Republican Campaign Committee.

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I need to go back to my bibble and read the "Blessed are the whiny titty babies..." section of the Sermon on the Mount.

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