Confederate appoligalia (sic) ??? WTF are you babbling about now?

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They'd been shelling the Donbass continually for months, and just over half of their military (the second-largest in Europe) was assembled between Kharkiv and Kramatorsk preparing to invade.

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Don’t think it’s called “invading” when it’s your OWN DAMN COUNTRY. No matter how you try to spin it, Russian propaganda is still Russian propaganda.

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Ah, now I see your viewpoint.

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Thanks for the usual sarcastic, yet preaching-to-the-choir, good reporting

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Pacifist/Progressive, even though it's not a popular position these days (and really hasn't been since I was a little kid). I was the one in grade school who got in trouble for asking the teacher, "If the government of South Vietnam is a dictatorship then why do they say we're there defending democracy?"

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I am doubtfull that this will change behavior very much.

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Fuck off forever your Assadist ghoul. Go do your dictator whoring elsewhere bastard.

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He's a piece of shit Russian troll/confederate apologist.

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So invading other countries without any cause is just fine in your world? The Nuremberg Commission disagreed and executed a bunch of people for doing just that. Oh, but it was a Democratic president who did it, and Hillary Clinton who allied us with al Qaeda in the process, so that makes it all right. Sorry, I forgot.

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Eat shit you Assad loving Confederate apologist

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What a truly insightful and well-considered argument! You've convinced me of the error of my ways.

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I ain't trying to convince you. You been spouting a reprehensible moral system. You fucking engaged in Confederate appoligalia. Whether out of dangerously misplaced idealism or bad faith whataboutism, the fact remains. You are on the side of wrong. I hope you reconsider, but I don't think I can make you.

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It's almost as if when you call in drone strikes from a bunker in Arizona they want you to know who you're killing.

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Gee, no more bombing weddings thus creating more terrorists? How novel!

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Not in New York!

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