George Santos did.

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Aaron would insist that an astrologer be consulted before encountering aa ghost cat. https://www.insidehook.com/...

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Feeling sedimental?

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There is a Dutch "scientist" who claims that planetary influences cause earthquakes. https://www.insidehook.com/...

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A nurse friend told me that March saw the most births in Portland. It had nothing to do with the planets bit because March is nine months after Rose Festival. Of course this was back in the day when the US Navy would swim upstream to spawn.

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"Dead animals talk to me!"

There's a word for that. It's "delusion".

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My family's first cat was supposed to die the day we got her.

Four months after my husband's suicide, me and the two kids traumatised, and the house overrun with mice. So I decided to get a cat, mainly as biological mouse control but also as a Nice Thing to perk us up a bit. We were going to hit up the pet shop (this was in 2000, when pet shops still sold kittens), but I'd seen an article in the local paper about vet clinics getting litters dumped on their doorsteps. So I rang up one of the two vet clinics in town, and they said they didn't have any kittens but they did have a gorgeous little half-grown grey cat that had been dropped off to be euthanised*, if we were interested in her...? She'd have been put down within half an hour.

She was beautiful. Gray medium hair with a silky coat and elegant tail, the perfect size and weight for maximum sensory niceness as she sat on your lap, a ludicrously chill, loving cat who lived for cuddles and always became specially attentive when one of the kids (especially my daughter) was having a bad day. She was also dynamite on mice, driving the little buggers out of the house within a couple of months. And her narrow escape was a boon - my daughter would sometimes say "We couldn't save Dad, but we saved Puss". She lived to be 18 and is still missed.

*Her former owners were moving and couldn't take her, there were no organisations for pet rescue or rehoming in town, so euthanasia was the least bad of their available options. No hate to them.

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Medicine's got a few perks over law.1. There's not the same fetishization of working absurd hours. Even during med school, the medical profession's backing away from 100-hour work weeks. Law...is not.

2. Any branch of medicine helps people. Some branches of law help people, but the rest exist for the sole purpose of enabling corporations and rich arseholes to screw over ordinary people. Can't make you feel good.

3. One of the least remunerative and altruistic of specialties, criminal defence, is routinely demonised as "helping bad guys get away with it" by copaganda TV shows.

4. You can have right on your side, work like a dog and present an absolutely fucking airtight case - only to have judgement go against you because just one arsehole votes with their fucking feelings and prejudices rather than facts.

5. Only some of the population hates doctors.

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He's playing head games with us and he's winning. I think it might have worked itself out but our other dog would eat his own food then head over to polish off crazy dog's bowl.

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Two of my dead pets were Filipino. I'm worried that now I'm back in Australia, they won't be able to understand what's going on or what I say to them.

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Every pet hamster in existence is descended from a single brother-sister breeding pair...and the inbreeding has only gotten worse from there. They simply realise their babies are unholy abominations that Should Not Be, and are trying to right that which God should never have permitted.

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Sounds very narcissistic. Oh, your pet chose to die in a hot car because you needed to learn to be less careless about the welfare of other living beings? Go fuck yourself.

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I'm sure people have. "I stopped feeding my dog because the pet psychic told me he wanted to die, so I decided to help that along". JFC.

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Pope Francis says she's wrong, so yahzoo sucks to that nun. https://time.com/3631242/po...

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Wonkette has occasionally been called a political humor blog.

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