Yeppers, right out of Benny Hill too!

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More like a colder Alabama

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I go to Rochester and Syracuse for business. It's pretty country, green rolling hills and all. But as far as people go, it's a long ways from Manhattan

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Yes, Donnie, the whole world is watching

And they get one thing, that you're pustule on the buttocks of the World, and you're about to get squezed

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Up voting you for your handle

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He couldn't even release a statement that his tweet was "not intended to be a factual statement"? Lazy.

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2+2 = 5 for sufficiently large values of 2.

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Pentagon or Pentangle? Wake up sheeple!

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They don't call it self-numbing for nuthin!

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nasty-ass Carolina vinegar BBQEvan, I like you a lot, but them's fightin' words.

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That made me think of this.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I wouldn't trust DJT's reading comprehension skills.

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“Nasty-ass Carolina vinegar BBQ” is absolutely delicious. Meadows wouldn’t know, he’s from the part of NC officially known as the taint of Tennessee, and none of those toothless hicks can barbecue for SHIT. Drown perfectly good pigs in tomato sauce and sugar. Ought to be hogtied and butchered, all-em.

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A guy in PHX burned his house to the ground last weekend doing this very thing. And we have had a wet monsoon. A firefighter was injured in the burn.

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