Politico Calls Harris’s Media Blitz ‘Avoiding The Media’
Also the NYT has discovered that Trump is old.
Oh look, Politico’s got a burr under their saddle! They claim that the Harris-Walz campaign is “still largely avoiding the media.” With italics and bolding, even!
The media avoidance includes Harris on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast, plus an interview with Bill Whitaker of “60 Minutes” on CBS tomorrow night (the one Trump chickened out of doing). Then Tuesday, Mamala the Funt has appearances on “The View,” “The Howard Stern Show” and “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” Then on Thursday she’s holding una reunión del ayuntamiento with Univision. Also tonight, Tim Walz will be on Jimmy Kimmel. But sure, she is hiding in a bunker!
“Most of these are not the types of interviews that are going to press her on issues she may not want to talk about,” they sniff. Wank wank motion! Hey, do Donald Trump next! When’s the last time he talked to anyone without a big bellow for blowing smoke up his ass? Oh right, it was the time he yelled at those Black journalists that they were horrible, and huffed offstage early in a snit. And then his poll numbers immediately went underwater and never came back up! Womp.
Politico goes on: “Harris is already doing bonkers numbers with women and young voters, making us wonder why she’s going back to a constituency that already favors her.” Hello, only two of those appearances are on outlets favored by ladies. And turnout matters!
Hey, remember that time the CEO of Politico’s parent company, Mathias Döpfner, messaged his employees: “Do we all want to get together for an hour in the morning on November 3 and pray that Donald Trump will again become President of the United States of America?” Could that explain why they seem so salty about Harris for a made-up reason?
Harris’s strategy actually seems pretty solid. “Call Her Daddy” is the top podcast for female listeners, and the second-biggest on Spotify behind Joe Rogan, and has 976,000 YouTube subscribers. “The View” is the number one daytime talk show, and has about 2.3 million watchers. “Howard Stern” gets an estimated 10 million listeners a week, and they’re 73 percent male and 85 percent white. “60 Minutes” gets about 6.6 million viewers, and has been the top show in the 25-to-54 demographic for 21 years, with a pretty even gender split. Colbert gets about 2.5 million viewers. Univision is number one in viewership for US Hispanics, with about 1.1 million viewers.
So why should Harris sit down with “legacy media”? Gonna take a wild stab here and say that most undecided voters are not reading the New York Times, or the Washington Post. And that the Harris campaign is basing these choices on data, and did not pick these media outlets by randomly fishing them out of a hat.
Hey, remember how Harris was interviewed by the New York Times last year, and then reporter Astead W. Herndon proceeded to crap all over her, whining about how interviewing her was “arduous,” “challenging,” and bellyaching that she made too much eye contact, which apparently made the reporter’s balls shrink into his body in terror?
Why would she sit with another interview with them? I sure as fucking wouldn’t, if I were her. But hey, over the weekend the Times seems to have discovered how Donald Trump is old, and his brain is actively decomposing.
Remember how Media Matters collected its nerd data and found that, over a five-month time period last year, the Times mentioned Biden’s oldness in 98 articles? Well, now there is one for the 78-year-old candidate!
Trump’s Speeches, Increasingly Angry and Rambling, Reignite the Question of Age: With the passage of time, the 78-year-old former president’s speeches have grown darker, harsher, longer, angrier, less focused, more profane and increasingly fixated on the past, according to a review of his public appearances over the years.
Has heck frozen over?
The Times cites how Trump claimed a week after his debate with Harris the audience cheered for him, when there was no audience. They observe that he rambles, confuses what state he is in, “digresses into bizarre tangents about golf, about sharks, about his own ‘beautiful’ body,” has claimed North Korea is trying to kill him, and talks about Joe Biden as if he’s still running against him. His speeches have gotten almost twice as long as they used to be, on account of the ramblings. “He uses swearwords 69 percent more often,” they note, Ned Flanders-ishly.
More observations: Trump can’t hold a train of thought, mispronounces names, and arglebargles about fictional characters from the ‘80s. He’s only held 61 rallies all year, and dozed through his own felony trial. He seems to think Cary Grant, who died in 1986, is still alive. But, they insist, “Mr. Trump still exudes energy”! LOL! Sure, Smithers!
Wonder why the Times is just now noticing that Trump’s brain has more holes than the Albert Hall? Could it possibly be that they’ve noticed their endless moaning about Biden’s age and wussified griping about Harris making eye contact is embarrassingly biased of them? The Times has the largest subscription of any US newspaper, at 8.8 million print and digital readers. But its views have been sinking, and it still gets fewer than USA Today, Yahoo Finance, and People magazine. That’s a lot, but also not a lot, compared to, say, Howard Stern.
But thanks anyway for the concern-trolling, there, Politico. Eye roll emoji, wanka wanka!
[Politico / Forbes / New York Times]
I also noticed that the Politico article notes that Harris has not done a major interview in "neigh" on two weeks. I believe that "neigh" is the noise a horse makes; if you mean "nearly," the word is "nigh," Politico.
Golly, with less than a month until election day, what should a candidate do? Give interviews to the TV news show most likely to be watched by America's non-MAGA elderly *and* their adult children, several popular podcasts, and late-night shows, or sit down with a representative of the print media no one reads to answer five surly questions about Drumph and be described in print as "evasive" when she tries to talk about something other than her doddering racist opponent?
You made your bed, legacy media, now lie in it and wait for death.