The info of where that photo was taken was all over the internets. Did they really think no one would fact check.......sorry, the sun is hot and my brain is overworked

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Wake when we get to the part where Trump saunters down the grand staircase in a bejeweled turban screaming something about being ready for his close-up.

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The stupid, it burns.

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ANY chance he's detained in some way? Or given a gag order with some actual TEETH...Like "shut up or go to jail' kind of teeth?

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Skunks and weasels are woodland characters.

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Coupla thought regarding what Cheeto actually ‘knew’ or ‘truly believed’:

What he ‘knew’ for an absolute fact, well in advance of Election Day, was that regardless of the outcome he was going to claim victory and refuse to leave (per Bannon, on tape). Hell, he even told Hillary that was his gameplan in 2016 - ‘maybe’ not conceding losing results.

What he ‘truly believed’ about the election results is irrelevant to the crime he committed. He truly had the mens rea to try & overturn them by any means necessary, and did just that.

TV lawyers keep using a bank robbery analogy but I see it more like Cheeto murdering his neighbors, then his lawyers whine, “But he truly believed they were Lizard People!” as a defense.

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Eric always looks like he's got a quart of spit in his mouth.

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if you put pictures of woodland creatures in the book, eric will shoot it.

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there isn't a judge in the country ... including judge cannon ... who would allow a witness/defendant go off the rails with testimony like that...

He's going to have subpoena power. He's going to cross-examine witnesses. He's going to put his own witnesses. He's going to go out and prove or try to prove there was election fraud in Philly, Vegas, Arizona, Detroit. And the federal government is going to have to prove that it was clean in those deep blue counties.

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Uh, Tiny Hands and his third-rate legal advisors have already traveled those very paths -- and lost, resoundingly in every case. Thanks for reminding us.

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> "It's going to give Donald Trump the opportunity to relitigate the 2020 election in federal court."

Why? Does he have evidence now that he's been waiting almost three years to show us? Go ahead, Donnie, show us evidence. Hahahaha

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Tell me about the rabbits again George

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Imagine, at his age, still fighting the world who knows he's a laughingstock. What a sad little man. (And a fine Republican, naturally.)

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That's what they are all selling now, including the orange shitstain: "Wait until I'm president again, I'm going to FUCK UP everybody who has crossed me!"

This kind of talk produces lots of little MAGA boners.

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It's like the Jesus meme. "Let me in so I won't be forced to do to you what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in."

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Little MAGA boners are the only kind there is.

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The drumpf gang is living the lesson of don’t believe your own bullshit day after day.

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Eric is getting high on his own supply again...

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Confident threats are the RWNJs' stock in trade. And the more outlandish and full of shit those threats are, the more confidently they're made.

Remember Steve Bannon blustering that his contempt of Congress charge would be "the misdemeanor from hell" for Nancy Pelosi etc. because he was going to subpoena all of them? Now he's that guy who makes everyone wonder why he hasn't been sentenced and jailed yet.

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He was, and then he was pardoned.

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He's been convicted and sentenced again since then, but for some inexplicable reason is allowed to stay out pending appeal.

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R̶e̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶a̶n̶ Revenge Party

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Jesse's dad WAS a legend- he put out the campfire.

That's never happened before...

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I glad someone else remembers "Night of the Seven Fires"

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm starting to get exhausted with all this bullshit. I just want the damned trial to start. but it's going to be another year at least of stress, isn't it? AND next year is an election year. Sigh. Time to dial back on the YouTube pundits and start pacing myself.

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I stick with Wonkette. Great for my mental health.

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