"oligarchical fundamentalist savagery" - Wonderful and accurate description.

Also, I will probably be making the move to vodka or gin since it's less expensive than the scotch I like. Of course, I can always go with Clan MacGregor scotch (close to the floor, meant for the poor). Maybe I can just distill my own tears into a bitter brew of sadness.

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We lead the world in treatment of Botox Deficiency Syndrome.

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Charlie has some fine-ass <a href="http:\/\/t0.gstatic.com\/images\?q=tbn:ANd9GcSOcLF1zO9zie7_HckjMfk5ucuyadOMQEjEcICBIvBX3u8qzKszlg" target="_blank">hair</a>, you've got to admit.

He's the John Ensign for the rest of us.

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Snark aside, these meme for figuring out how to fix the budget has been going around on Facebook: <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/inte..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/11/13/wee...">http://www.nytimes.com/inte... . If the basic math is correct, there is no way the budget shortfall can be resolved without tax increases of one form or another.

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I'm bullish on Xanex and Scotch myself.

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Blagojevich defense = My Hair Made Me Do It?

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He's a trailblazer, that one. Maybe he was all about quality control - the Ralph Nader of Depends.

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we also have cheese.

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to be fair, the 1% don't think this is a problem.

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i read the story as:

Poor Rich People Might Have To Pay TEXAS, eventually

and it all made a lot of sense.

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