Follow the worms.

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Not if Trump ran it.

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*sigh*AGAIN, with this clown?

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Repubs are never going to agree to solve the immigration mess or pass any legislation because it gains them votes. They know who votes for them. Racists, xenophobes and losers that didn't get an education and blame the undocumented for their failures. Where is your personal responsibility bunch of hypocrite repubs? ??

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Pull the ladder over and sink it in the moat? Yeah, that'll get you ten feet over it.

And I'm having fun watching you 20 feet below the wall.

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First law of plumbing for sure.

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To paraphrase Robert Frost, "Good fences make good idiots."

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Trumpty Dumbty had a great Fall!Then came the winter and campaign seasonTrump declared bankrupt and retired again.

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Reeck! Reeck! You must he'p me, Reeck!

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Yeah...when you're certain, you're part of snark mob.

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The entire population of Scotland would like to punch him in the face, also too.

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Dinner at a restaurant in Trump Tower: $hundreds.

Logo on the front of Trump Tower, or the proposed border fence: $thousands

Trump running as Republican candidate for president against any Democratic candidate capable of speaking in coherent sentences: $priceless.

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Uh, right. Just after Trump pays up for his bankrupt development in Baja California, and settles his debts with the Mexican lawyers, I'm sure the Mexican government would love to build a fence to keep Hondurans from crossing into the United States. Uh-huh.

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He wouldn't be eligible for a gaming license in Mexico. We have our standards here, you know.

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Fine, just ruin my joke with your "logic" and your "sound political insights."

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