Nice to see you too, Zyx!

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Denmark actually hit that point for a day this year.

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Amen. You know how many bands/artists are still covering songs from that album?

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That Mrs. Herb Alpert is a talent.


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The first time I saw what mountaintop removal did to those lovely old glacier-carved mountains, I sobbed. I couldn't believe anyone would look at the Appalachians and think, "Yes, let's completely fucking decimate everything at a level that'll make every disaster film monster look like a sack of old man's balls." Everything is destroyed, including the homes and health of the people who live there in the (former) valleys and don't have the resources to fight back, and the whole thing makes me furiously sad. It's absolutely appalling that we're allowing corporations to do this. For coal, FFS, like we're still in the 19th century or some shit.

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It's totally infuriating. The Appalachians were once higher than the Rockies. It's the oldest mountain range on the PLANET. Unfortunately, many of the people living in Appalachia are poor. Sobbing was the appropriate response, spacecat in space.

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Yeah, and Steve Walsh goes to my ex-church. It was weird seeing him sitting with his wife; he didn't participate in any of the (Catholic) rituals, but he was nonetheless there. I was in the guitar choir at the time; it must've been painful for him to listen to us...and the Hispanic choirs! OMG!!! The Hispanic choirs! I don't think they *ever* tuned their guitars! E.V.E.R.! Yet they were happy and upbeat and terrrrible musicians! No fucking rhythm whatsoever. None. Zip. Nada. EEEeeeeeek!!!!

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So, a job outside of the porn industry.

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Nah, they aren't that bad. I've had hot flashes on hot days and I'd like to have died! Shvitz!

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Barry White?

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forget bold and underlined text . . . they don't do that.

[ . . . or know how ]

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they don't want to govern . . . they want to rule!

[ hence their slogan . . . "elect me and i'll show you how fucked up government can be" ]

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We just had an AC guy in this morning to quote us on replacing the tits-up unit we inherited when we bought the house. I don't know if it's worth it for a few weeks a year of OH my GOD it's too fucking hot to do anything weather. Mind you, saying that today when the heat wave just broke, whereas last week, it was brutal.

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"Worse. FEMA signed a contract with Papa John's Cici's."FTFY. Papa John's is bad. Cici's isn't even typically recognizable as food. Funnily enough, I was watching the New Food Star Network Star Food Star competition-type show on the Food Network, and they did a pizza challenge, partially judged (read: Sponsored for moneyz) by the CEO of Cici's (as if it was a fine-dining restaurant and he was some sort of authority on pizza), and the prize was to have the winning recipe featured at Cici's for a month. I assume the second prize was to have your pizza in Cici's for TWO months.

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What have all those future generations ever done for us? You can have my supersized American carbon footprint when you pry it out of my cold hot dead hands in a decade or two.

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