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Good moaning. It is a goad thong he was disgeesed as poloceman so he was oble to move aboot with complate frodom.

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Arthur Upfield is how I learned about Australia, too.Read the books with an atlas handy.Still reread them now and again.

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It's a test for mild cognitive impairment. Other questions are things like "what is today's date and what city are we in right now?" and "remember these five words for a few minutes while we do something else" and "draw a clock" and "what were those five words?" (the words are typically very simple ones: apple, pen, dog, lamp, key, etc).

Getting all the answers right does not make you special or even smart, it just means you are neurologically intact: you haven't had a stroke or other brain-damaging event recently and don't have signs of Alzheimer's or similar disorders.

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Palin is one good reason not to slobber at the mention of McCain's name, but my personal animus stems from how McCain voted AGAINST other veterans every chance he got. Some say "hero", I say "offal".

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I was thinking about this.What I know about Australia is mostly through Arthur Upfield's books, but as I understand it, for an Australian, the beast on the right is indeed a Camel.For an obnoxious, nit-picking French like me, it's a Dromedary. Count those humps, there is only one. Although I would still have boxed the right case, muttering all the way through. For an American... I don't know, I don't know the culture enough.Heck, I'm overthinking this. Since 'camelid' is the family name of all these furry critters, camel, dromedary, llama, then 'Camel' is good enough as a vernacular catch-all.It's not like someone called a dolphin a fish.

These tests could rely heavily on the cultural bagage of the people designing it, so some answers may not be as obvious as believed.That being said, when talking about a supposedly smart affluent businessman, excuses for happenstance ignorance are eroding fast and we swerve off into deliberately-maintained stupidity.So, yeah. Judging from this one example, this test looks designed for young children or mentally-impaired adults, not responsible, fully-cognitive adults.And Trump may think that dromedary are aliens from Andromeda.

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Now, but they produce a lot of milk. Can't have everything I guess.

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I'm old enough to remember a Wonkette post in which Evan speculated about this bumblefuck laughing at Djibouti, because it kind of sounds like "your booty"! It was likely after the Nambia fuck up; but how amazingly prescient! Politico didn't go into detail about Djibouti, but I think I remember them mentioning Djibouti, probably because Trump would most def consider it a shithole, so why even care.

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I feel your pain. I grew up learning Reading English too--and then got shy because of the giggles my small-person gaffes induced.

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Great bit when Kirk's character here discovers that all the lab specimens have been preserved in pure alcohol.

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Close to Nippon

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Did you get to Bruges?

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Derp. Don’t post pre-coffee, kiddos. Nice catch!

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You can definitely tell which is which at night. One's all lit up, the other's as black as Kim Jong Un's soul.

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