so if these morons actually get rid of "section 230" one of 2 things will happen. 1. the first time trump tweets some lie about dominion voting machines or something, he'll be banned from twitter forever, and he won't even be able to go to parler because they'll also be liable for whatever crazy bullshit that people say on there.2. twitter, facebook, parler, etc. will all move their servers and corporate HQs to the cayman islands or luxembourg so that this stupid rule won't apply to them, meaning the billion dollars zuckerberg alone pays in taxes every year will dissappear and the entire tech industry will pack up and leave the country.
>going on to blame "Democrat-run states" for destroying small businesses with "harsh actions."What will actually harm small buisnesses is the CASE Act that Thom Tillis slipped into the budget. Because the MPA funded Tillis' campaign, so he need to reward them by criminalizing their competitors. (Incidentally, I've always thought it was rather pathetic of the MPA to think that they need to try to ban zero-budget independent films to stay in business. The major video game studios, despite their ethical issues, seem to understand that AAA games are targeting a different market then indie games. If anything the major studios have helped indie developers by funding tools like Unity and Blender. If Disney thinks that even with a $200,000,000 budget per movie they can't hope to compete with a Youtube video that a college student shot with a smartphone, then they don't deserve to be in business.)
>Spoiler Alert: That never happened. Lindsey Graham can promise the moon when he's spending Christmas in holy communion with the Dear Leader, i.e. playing golf, but he can't commit Mitch McConnell, much less Nancy Pelosi, to anything.
Let's not pretend that Section 230 is safe just because we are about to have a Democrat in the white house. Senator Harris voted for the EARN IT act, sponsored by Facebook, which would have partially repealed Section 230 (but with loopholes that could allow the absolute largest social media companies to stay in business, because Facebook is as pathetic as the Disney and thinks they can only survive by banning small companies from competing with them). Obviously, I'd rather have a well-intentioned leader who isn't a tech expert and might sometimes be fooled by lobbyists ts into supporting bad bills (Biden or Harris) than an evil leader who wants to support bad bills because he wants to cause as much harm as possible to poor people (Trump, Pence, or McConnell). But we shouldn't get complicit and assume that no bad bills will pass under Biden or Harris.
Belgium isn't doing too well either.
East Vagina, or West Vagina!
Gimme just a little more time!
O.K. How 'bout:
Combine the two to "One Vagina", then split to North Vagina and South Vagina, or maybe Inner Vagina and Outer Vagina?
(I can say that , bc I lived in both a couple of times!)
1) Go Directly To Jail
2) Do Not Collect Anything
3) IOUs! Pay Everybody Everything
4) Lose Term, Spend Time
so if these morons actually get rid of "section 230" one of 2 things will happen. 1. the first time trump tweets some lie about dominion voting machines or something, he'll be banned from twitter forever, and he won't even be able to go to parler because they'll also be liable for whatever crazy bullshit that people say on there.2. twitter, facebook, parler, etc. will all move their servers and corporate HQs to the cayman islands or luxembourg so that this stupid rule won't apply to them, meaning the billion dollars zuckerberg alone pays in taxes every year will dissappear and the entire tech industry will pack up and leave the country.
I keep the timer in my tabs
I thought the problem was 'withstanding'?
>going on to blame "Democrat-run states" for destroying small businesses with "harsh actions."What will actually harm small buisnesses is the CASE Act that Thom Tillis slipped into the budget. Because the MPA funded Tillis' campaign, so he need to reward them by criminalizing their competitors. (Incidentally, I've always thought it was rather pathetic of the MPA to think that they need to try to ban zero-budget independent films to stay in business. The major video game studios, despite their ethical issues, seem to understand that AAA games are targeting a different market then indie games. If anything the major studios have helped indie developers by funding tools like Unity and Blender. If Disney thinks that even with a $200,000,000 budget per movie they can't hope to compete with a Youtube video that a college student shot with a smartphone, then they don't deserve to be in business.)
>Spoiler Alert: That never happened. Lindsey Graham can promise the moon when he's spending Christmas in holy communion with the Dear Leader, i.e. playing golf, but he can't commit Mitch McConnell, much less Nancy Pelosi, to anything.
Let's not pretend that Section 230 is safe just because we are about to have a Democrat in the white house. Senator Harris voted for the EARN IT act, sponsored by Facebook, which would have partially repealed Section 230 (but with loopholes that could allow the absolute largest social media companies to stay in business, because Facebook is as pathetic as the Disney and thinks they can only survive by banning small companies from competing with them). Obviously, I'd rather have a well-intentioned leader who isn't a tech expert and might sometimes be fooled by lobbyists ts into supporting bad bills (Biden or Harris) than an evil leader who wants to support bad bills because he wants to cause as much harm as possible to poor people (Trump, Pence, or McConnell). But we shouldn't get complicit and assume that no bad bills will pass under Biden or Harris.
She was ahead of her time.
TL;DR Shorter Dumpf:All your votes are belong to us
24 Hrs House-Arrest 24 times?
Had to hand him two crayon boxes as he eated the first box
It's his "me time" with VP, in private.
“He really learned his lesson this time you can see it in the signing statement!”~Susan “How Da Fuck Did I Get Re-elected?” Collins
Milk delivery, yes. Pizza delivery, not so much.