How many pounds of meadow muffins are these weak kneed dung beetles willing to eat in fear of Trump Cult retribution? It’s the Constitution stupid, Trump doesn’t matter and neither do any number of his sycophantic drooling cult members.

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"You cannot counter with reason ideas that did not arise from reason" - some thing like that, Voltaire I think or someone like that, or maybe not

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It is the same with any of these arguments. "Vote fraud!" "Yeah, OK, see ya later!"

The validity of the argument disappears when there is no one to argue with.

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Louder howling from the poo flinging monkey brigade.

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Start with Citizens United. Turn off the dark money, and those "institutes" and "think tanks" go away. All political donations record who and how much, also too.

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Needs to be made clear that it's a rat, not a mouse.

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Y'know, I should really start walking around the woods in the Chappaqua area, because I'd really love to have a glass of wine (or two) with her someday.

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Those shitsacks never had that right from the get go.

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Seems strange that the macho, macho trumpster GOP just adores its cowards in Congress.

Of course they also think trump is a good Christian. Which makes me wonder how they define "Christian." Or "good."

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Sedition is illegal and charges should be filed against these shitsacks.

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Who still celebrate and revere the Civil War.

Which also makes them long-term losers.

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BRAUN: Well, I think that when a process that cannot begin, and when I say that, there was a threshold that, whether or not you can say that, will be sometimes this sometimes another, you know, that is just how the system works, and the American People, when they are - however they are counted and then it is sent back for the realization of that process then nothing and end or beginl

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Oh, great. Now I can't get the picture of a factory full of mastication robots out my head.

On the bright side, I'm also contemplating what musical direction my new band, The Mastication Robots, should go in.

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Combing the lint out of my belly button springs to mind.

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They're authoritarians, so they love people that submit to the head of their tribe even in the face of reality even more. And Trump is a "good Christian" only in that he's putting in judges that they feel certain will finally give them what they've been wanting for nearly 50 years, the right to force women to bear children they don't want and can't care for.

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That's easy for YOU to say!

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