Project Veritas Is Back, Harassing Private Schools
So much for parents' rights and school choice!
Things weren’t looking so great for Project Veritas over the past year.
Criminally convicted dildo boat captain and pimp hat aficionado James O’Keefe got fired from and was being criminally investigated regarding the nonprofit he founded after looting it for expenses like helicopter rides and attempting to launch “a semi-autobiographical pop music celebration of his life in muckraking” called The Project Veritas Experience in Vegas. O’Keefe’s moved on to freelance stalking Judge Arthur Engoron at the gym, Veritas’s new CEO Hanna Giles quickly quit after finding “evidence of past illegality” (ya don’t say), and it seemed the dildo lube boat was adrift.
Sorry to report, though, that the flimflam group of grifting liars is still at it with the zimzam, and finding new outrage to dam. The latest target of their rancor and wackadoodle followers is the bastion of degeneracy that is the Maryland and DC Association of Independent Schools (AIMS). Particularly the Baltimore County private Episcopalian school St. Paul’s, which had the audacity in February to try to host a “Belonging in Gender and Sexual Identity” workshop for educators and any students who wanted to go, as they have for 25 years.
AIMS had been happily running the workshop without incident, but rightwing megalith Sinclair Broadcasting’s local Fox news affiliate heard gendersexuality and jumped right on it for their “Crisis in the Classroom” series, blasting the segment to 70 stations nationwide. “In 2022, one workshop centered around ‘why some parents push back on gender and sexuality inclusive education’ and how to ‘proactively safeguard’ schools. Another workshop highlighted the ‘benefits’ of distributing ‘pronoun surveys’ to students,” they hyperventilated. HOW DARE A PRIVATE SCHOOL BE INCLUSIVE!
Then Veritas drew out the outrage longer with a “leaked worksheet” of a questionnaire they claim is from St. Paul’s, put it up on Xitter, and the troll machine did the rest. Angry calls and emails forced the association to cancel the event out of fears for student safety.
Because you have to think of the children.
Never mind that the workshop was entirely voluntary, the worksheet was voluntary, or that attendance at St. Paul’s is much more than voluntary at $38k a year. It’s the epitome of “school choice.” Private schools are in the parent-pleasing business, and they sure as shit aren’t forcing any kid to do anything. Parents send their kids there because they want their kids to be accepted and accepting, and aware that different kinds of people exist. AIMS runs these conferences because educators want to know how to support students. And any parent who has a problem with that can pay half the money for a spot in Catholic school, which will be more than glad to get with the strict binary-gender thing. And we libruls won’t even go over there and picket about how they’re teaching kids that Eve was some kind of rib Frankenstein.
This isn’t Veritas’s first time harassing a private school, either. In 2022 they secretly recorded a dean at Chicago’s Francis Parker School talking about their sex-ed curriculum, and deceptively edited it, as is their way, to make the guy look like a sex-toy-happy weirdo. This led to the school having to briefly close due to threats.
Always with the threats. To schools. With children in them.
Well, welcome to your time in the barrel, Saint Paul’s. Looks like whatever weirdo parents slipped by in the admissions process are also all now mad at you about DEI education, but we’re sure you’ve already handled an entitled parent or two in your day. Perhaps little Kyarstyn would be a better candidate for military school?
Veritas also published a picture of St. Paul’s principal, where followers made gross comments about his looks and called him a DISCUSTING PEDO.
Maybe this a good time to mention how the CEO of Sinclair, David Smith, was arrested for getting a blowjob from a hooker while driving his company Mercedes on a public highway? Won’t somebody please think of the children? David Smith and Veritas know how to raise them better than you do!
I work at the International Worldwide House Of Rocket Exploration (IWHORE--name changed to protect the "innocent" ebil gummint agency). DEI training is essential here for anyone who wants to move into management--or for anyone who wants to be successful dealing with or mentoring the diverse workforce here.
The training here emphasizes how enforced uniformity--and the resulting group think and suppression of dissent--have resulted in the loss of 17 astronauts in the agency's history. Encouraging different ways of thinking requires encouraging different ways of being, and that is essential to avoiding future tragedies.
And yet...when I tell people where I work, I often get some furtive glances followed by a softly probing question as to how I feel about all that diversity training. And when I respond that I think it is valuable--indeed, essential when managing such a large organization--I'm often met with silence, so I know this is the Faux News crowd trying to worm its way in.
These assholes can have my DEI manuals when they pry them out of my cold, dead hands.
You know, things might become a little clearer if I reminded you that "veritas" is merely a shortened form of the expression "veritable assholes." That should make their branding more transparent. This observation has been provided to you at no extra charge.