Seth Meyers Closer Look for tonight: https://youtu.be/Wbf3V2HeGbc

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Wherein, Seth goes completely crazy for a minute or two.

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How did this one get by me? How did I miss my daily opportunity to point out that Ridgeway goes to private school?

I must do better...

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The link to Eric Boehlert’s Sinclair piece is a reminder of just how much we miss his work.

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It was never about Captain Dildo, it was about the voyage. Ride, Captain, ride! Upon your dildo ship. Everyone knows the only way to get the REAL truth is with selectively edited gotcha videos.

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A few years ago, I was contacted by someone from a recruiting agency about a position doing what I do at "a media company in the Baltimore area".

She got a little further into her spiel until I asked, "a media company in the Baltimore area -- do you mean Sinclair?" She indicated she did, so I told her that I didn't think they'd want a gay liberal working there, to which she agreed. In the interest of not burning bridges with her agency, I didn't add, "I'd sooner starve than work there."

Ironically, not long after that, Sinclair got hit with a major ransomware attack. I remember thinking if that I was working there, I would have been involved in fixing it. (That's not directly in my skill set, but I am in IT. I've been in catastrophe situations before and every person with a skill that can vaguely help gets involved.)

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It seems as if the right thing to do would be to instigate ransomware attacks against Sinclair, or at least publicize their vulnerabilities on the dark web

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Fucking cowards.

All of these Project Veritas assholes and the dipshits that carry water for them and enable their stochastic terrorism are fucking cowards.

I’ll stop now and avoid the banhammer I would so richly deserve if I continued.

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These assholes just want to be bigots without any pushback or consequences.

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“Perhaps little Kyarstyn would be a better candidate for military school?”

Kyarstyn, lol. Oh Marcie Jones you have won my snarky heart. Make a little room Evan.

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What's wrong with military school? Donnie Trump got sent to one. The place went bankrupt and was sold to the Chinese. Let's call them what they are: reform schools for unloved, incorrigible punks.

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Isn't that unloved, incorrigible punks with well-off parents?

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Unloved, incorrigible punks with well-off parents who hate them?


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And incompetent at that as well.

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I work at the International Worldwide House Of Rocket Exploration (IWHORE--name changed to protect the "innocent" ebil gummint agency). DEI training is essential here for anyone who wants to move into management--or for anyone who wants to be successful dealing with or mentoring the diverse workforce here.

The training here emphasizes how enforced uniformity--and the resulting group think and suppression of dissent--have resulted in the loss of 17 astronauts in the agency's history. Encouraging different ways of thinking requires encouraging different ways of being, and that is essential to avoiding future tragedies.

And yet...when I tell people where I work, I often get some furtive glances followed by a softly probing question as to how I feel about all that diversity training. And when I respond that I think it is valuable--indeed, essential when managing such a large organization--I'm often met with silence, so I know this is the Faux News crowd trying to worm its way in.

These assholes can have my DEI manuals when they pry them out of my cold, dead hands.

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Diversity is NOT about lowering the bar, it is about widening the pool.

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Won’t someone groupthink of the children??

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So...not into the whole brevity thing, I take it?

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Moral values = only approved choices. Not these ones.

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Welp, Brandenburg Test and all, so Project Veritas is free to rock out with their stochastic terrorism.

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Ta, Marcie. I. Just. Can't. Even.

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Project Mendacium must be in a big hurt for spouting bullshit if they are reduced to fighting with private religious affiliated schools.

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"Project Mendacium"

I love this

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"Maybe this a good time to mention how the CEO of Sinclair, David Smith, was arrested for getting a blowjob from a hooker while driving his company Mercedes on a public highway?"


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The first line of the "Career" section of his Wikipedia page touts, "Smith began his career 'selling pornographic videos in Baltimore's redlight district during the 1970s.'"

Oh, the morality.

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A friend worked in Hustler's mail order operation taking phone orders. They'd always get weirdo calls. One caller wanted him to slap his penis against the phone receiver. He tapped the receiver with his fingers. The fellow seemed happy with that.

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News flash: People can be weird. And that one sure is weird.

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Well, it was the 80's.

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It think I remember some of the 80's. I've honestly never called any of those numbers but I can imagine someone painting her nails while breathing heavy through the phone.

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Shit rises to the top every time.

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I've mentioned this before but I have a friend who was supposed to be the third person in O'Keefe's pimp cosplay. But she couldn't afford the flight to where ever O'Keefe was pulling his scam. So, she never got dragged down into the O'Keefe Morass.

She's now a successful person with a great husband and a brand new baby. Being broke back then was the best thing that ever happened to her.

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GREAT thing to hear.

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It's not hard to see Sinclair as a force of evil. My only exposure is to the Wyoming Angus herd owned by one of the Smith brothers, watched a bit of the bull sale online Saturday. Why can't all of them have a harmless hobby?

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And, once again, every activity in these asshole billionaires' lives is a dick-measuring contest.

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