So, here's the thing: Modern Russia is now beloved by American fascists because it's an overt white supremacist, Christian-supremacist, anti-LGBTQ dictatorship. There's no Communism left in it. It's basically what happens when organized crime takes control of a nation and then uses nativism to whip up the hoi polloi.

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Yeah, they look like "incels"--guys who blame women for not wanting to f*** them. Hey, maybe try not being an asshole for a few minutes!

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Don't forget Joe McCarthy and his scumbag lawyer--and Trump mentor--Roy Cohn.

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Exactly. It's one of their trigger words. Because name-calling is much easier than having to think.

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Yeah, ya think? Where are the rubber bullets and tear gas canisters?

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I was having a good day until checking out at the supermarket when a youngish redneck came right up behind me (no space) with a sht ton of beer and no mask. I asked him to please step back . He said"whadd you say?) so I said it louder at which point he warned me not to raise my voice at him because he's the wrong guy for that. I'm 74 and immune compromised. The clerk finished with my order and I left but I will have violent fantasies for days from this encounter., BTW , as I was leaving I looked back and two little girls, both with masks, had joined him.. WTF??

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Hopefully all the above idiot's faces will be known and they go the way of that broad in Central Park who refused to use a leash and got all bigotty at the guy who called her out.

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Fatboi in front is flashing the "white power" sign.

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He's another maggot.

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Fascism has come to America. If you're a Progressive, please consider responsible gun ownership and carry. These are violent fascists and traitors. We beat them before, and we'll do it again.

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They can keep getting their dates on Craig's List.

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He'll be a bottom bi*ch in prison soon. Even the Aryan Brotherhood won't be able to defend his punk a**.

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Cowards. They'll be the first ones whimpering and begging people to save thier worthless lives when they get infected.

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Believe me, I understand the emotions that drive this response. But we make a general policy of trying to be better than our worst impulses, lest we become what we hate.

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Okay, so that was funny.

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Check the spelling: it's `Cemetry'.

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