So he could give that money to the Taliban and coke smugglers?

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I think he SHOULD stew some peters and have a massive bowl of them. Seems like a very good example of nominative determinism.

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Absolutely, and I believe it's imperative to the national narrative (say that in your mind like I'm rapping) that each and every Democrat makes sure to label each and every Republican as either a "QAnon" or a "QAnon believer".

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Of course!

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"White/McGreevey was the guy who originally claimed that anyone wearing a backwards hat at the January 6 insurrection was.." looking like a complete dork.

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"Lin Wood's Whistleblower" - is that what the young are calling it these days?

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When the party tells you that 2+2 = 5 then are you going to believe the party or yourself?

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Richard Citizen Journalist? That's certainly a mouthful. Does he perhaps have a shorter version of his name we could use to refer to him?

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I had a Lin Wood's Whistleblower last week, and I actually passed out for a few seconds.

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I'd advise against going with George Kaplan.

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Another detriment of our internet age. In the beforetimes, these folks would often get the treatment they needed thanks to concerned family members. Nowadays, this stuff can go viral so quickly that concerned friends and family shy away, because any sort of intervention makes them part of the story and all the baggage that goes with that.

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[Sound of rapid slapping]

"Oh Nick, are you alright?

"Uh, yes..."

"Well then, stop slapping me!"

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Dick Writer?

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I'm waiting for Hooper to do that as a Friday cocktail before I try one.

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Hartford country is a hotbed of racist/white supremacists in Maryland...

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I hope Dork White goes.to jail.

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