I think part of it is because Q is the Borg of Conspiracy theories: it just keeps assimilating all the different ones...

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My BIL has written a seriously tendentious conspiracy book about how the US did all sorts of evils stuff in the late 60's aand 70's.

The Jonestown bit says it was all a CIA plot and Jim Jones is an ex CIA agent alive and living under an assumed name somewhere. He gifted me with a copy of his (self-published) book, which for some reason I have yet to read (the 'some reason' being that 'oh god I don't want to wade through all that bullshit!')

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This kind of clump of ideas are really no more outlandish than what they tried to teach me in Sunday school in my childhood Evangelical church. All of this "feels like" a conversion of a True Believer from one doctrine to another, such as Opus Dei to Pentecostal. Rather like..."The Pope isn't my real dad" --> "real Christians can kiss rattlesnakes safely"

The content isn't necessarily crazier, but to an onlooker the change can seem very disturbing.

And it is. For onlookers and fellow citizens, the change from "the chief spokesman for God on Earth is a fake" to "the president of the US is a fake" can have profound effects. The mass conversion of millions of people connected by proximity and the internet can encourage* outrageous behavior.

* Literally "fill with courage".

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First, Adam Schiff is a vegan; no way he’d eat babies. Second, Arecibo was decommissioned and dismantled years ago. Lastly, if COVID is such a nothing burger, why ever did she go to the hospital?

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I have. Very grateful to have made it out alive.

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I don't get why these people just don't go to the hospital when they get sick. If they're so convinced that all of the scientists and doctors and nurses are murdering liars, why go in the first place? Take your horse paste at home and leave the hardworking health care workers who have dealt with more than enough shit over the last two years the fuck alone.

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You know, that’s probably exactly right.

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Writers for Inside Job are skimming her Instagram feed for ideas for season 2.

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This is his second bout of Covid. So much for natural immunity.

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She died in Camarillo you say?https://youtu.be/nllWDc8_9lw

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Buh-bye! Don't let the coffin lid hit you in the face.

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Which is where the CA hospital for the criminally insane is located.

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The question should be WHY is he going so easy on them?

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Home of the original "Man of Steel".

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That made me cry when I saw it. Was really glad I was working from home and not in an office full of people. The engineers and scientists had been screaming for restoration of the maintenance budget since the Obama years, clearly laying out what was going to happen, and none of the useless herd of lawyers in Congress could be bothered.

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Way too many more. Covid may just be one of nature's final acts of self-defense.

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