Keep telling them that the whole Q movement is a deep state operation. Maybe we can peel some of these people back to reality.

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Is 'Peadophilia' the unnatural love of peas?

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Also, disqsux, err substack...why do you out the 'Post' burttons on the OPPOSITE SIDE of a post versus a reply??? Read a fucking UI text sometime!

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If someone were to write a post that there are human traffickers in your neighborhood, and there likely are if you are poor, there would be far less interest than this post about meaningless fantasies.

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Ugh. These morons make my head hurt.

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Was it just last week that we were making concerned noises about this movie riling up the crazies on the Right to come attack innocent pizza parlors en masse? Because it looks like this really is following the recent trend--the Right generates a huge amount of energy targeting something totally imaginary, then it begins to cannibalize itself.

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The American empire is crumbling and we are feeling the consequences

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...Germany has a queen? Did they ever have a queen?

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In the sense of "wife of the king," sure.


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I was thinking Germany had emperors rather than kings, but I've never really learned much European history, much less German history.

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Well, it depends. If you count the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, then they had had Kaisers since at least 963 AD and good old Otto I. That ended, however, when Napoleon shitcanned the empire in 1806. Meanwhile, the Hapsburgs, sensing their time as HRE emperors was running out proclaimed themselves emperors of Austria. And, finally, Wilhelm of Prussia was "proclaimed" Kaiser of the the Second Reich in 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles during the siege of Paris which ended the Franco-Prussian War. Ironically, the peace treaty with Weimar Germany, the successor to the Second Reich after World War I, was signed in the same room. God does like his ironies.

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I think it depends how you translate "Kaiserin".

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"Kaiserin" only means "empress," "Königin" is the Wort for "Queen."

That being said, the German imperial hierarchies had "Kings" and "Queens" of Germany who were generally like the "Dauphin" or Tsarevitch," or "Prince of Wales," i.e. next in line to the throne. Gary Kappel above gives a nice synopsis.

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In a universe of infinite time all insane conspiracy theories with a greater than zero probability should be adopted at some point; that means somewhere down the road the Q-ers will accept and believe, wholeheartedly, that they've been hustled the whole time by a cabal of evil fucks who plan to grift them until they die (in other words, they'll hit on actual reality, by mistake) -- but then one of them will say: "It's a trap!", and we'll be right back at square one.

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Q is the Borg of conspiracy theories: all will be assimilated.

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That's the trouble with these types of insane conspiracies, they are circular and there's no end to them. You will always find someone who will keep connecting unrelated dots no matter how crazy the end result is.

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The world is awash with information of all kinds. There are people out there who are too stupid to handle that. Their primitive brains do what they can to make sense of it all and they come up with narratives that borrow from stories they’ve heard or seen in movies and video games. You gotta start somewhere and this kind if shit is as easy as anything else. Poor imbeciles. They’re dumb, stupid, braindead morons who just don’t know any better. It’s sad that grifters like the fucker who invented the whole Q thing take advantage of them so blatantly but there’s nothing anyone can do. They’re too stupid to be de-programmed.

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Or else they've made a choice to believe in something that's an impossibility because it's better to them than their real world reality.

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Or they've been guided down the path by the Algorithm, for profit.

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This is why the FarQ are set up to fail from the start in terms of actually deciding if anything is "good" for them because parts of them can easily snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by believing that the thing they are fighting for was a trap all along.

To put it simply, theirs is a position where they will always be afraid of some weird plot and anything can be it so why and how can they really get behind anything at all?

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Is there any part of the Q-movement that isn't FarQ?

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The Q Continuum?

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I dunno. They're kinda socialist? They'd be the FarLeftQ, comparatively.

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Hmmm. Perhaps these people need to be well and truly fucked by a ghost. That’ll make them sing Hallelujah and finally give up on these intensely evil ideas.

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Geez. How can these people even stand the rigors of daily life?

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They can’t. If you look closely, most live chaotic, shitty, miserable lives because they can’t handle it. This is how they cope. This is how they find a mission and a purpose. The real world is just too damn complex for them.

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I should have read further down. I 100% agree.

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Case of there can only be one grift, I mean queen in the hive.

Someone ELSE getting money? OH NOS! Must be catholics!

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"peadophelia"? I guess he was trying for the English spelling but the transpo calls to mind some vegetable alternatives: sweet peadophelia, black-eyed peadophelia, goober peadophelia, English peadophelia, sugar snap peadophelia...

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There is this reich-wing idiot who posts comments on a local weekly, and some of his stuff is amazing...

trying to be cynical about global warning...

''It all has to do with cow facts and SUVs'' & ''Darn COWS and fisdil eating SUVs...''

regarding a new flood map...

"The city should challenge the nap with ''real'' data.

regarding plans for a new playground..

"he never mention the uniform he would deem appropriate to wear in them''

and finally, he spelled the name of our county wrong which led me to at ask if he doesn't even live here why is he commenting about it?

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They make me very tired. Honestly, it's like insane hamsters run their brain cells.

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Ouroboros of crazy/stupid...

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I think it's a great testament to the progress of civilization that our lunatics now type their deranged screeds into the internet rather than standing on street corners yelling at us.

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They can reach a lot more people. Unfortunately.

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Some of them do both!

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I kind of miss the poorly lettered signs of yore.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023

There are still plenty of them when they physically go to actual MAGAt rallies.

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