Death cult.

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Maybe they should listen to noted philosopher Belinda Carlisle: https://youtu.be/j2F4INQFjEI

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I like how they defend their extreme Catholic beliefs with Greek polytheistic gods ("which they are trying to erase" she interjects)

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I’m at the part In Ministry for the Future where one of the characters repeatedly suggests starting a religion that is centered around preserving our biosphere so humans and other large mammals can survive. The other characters have not yet taken it seriously, but I’m interested to see where it goes.

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'Bout find out o'clock, isn't it?


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If you believe Christianity, God gaveqthe Earth to us to take care of. We are caretakers. We will give an account to God.

And they're throwing a wild party, trashing the joint, pulling out the copper wiring, and setting fire to the wood paneling.

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Rep. Jared Huffman described how shocked he was to find out that many congresspeople are actually true believers actively pursuing yhe End Times. Now, why the insist on protecting their money in the meanwhile is a bit confusing, but probably has something to do with hypocrisy.

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I m really starting to believe that Rachel Duffy is the dumbest person on the planet. She probably one of those people that even the friends she has at church avoids.

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If they really believed that shit, they would go ahead and take the gas pipe and get there sooner. Like Amanda Markotte over at Salon has pointed out, if you want to see what people really believe, look at what they do, watch how they behave.

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"to us to take care of?" But ... but ... that's not the real lesson ... when you play the bibble backwards ... and then select every other word.

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“We’re made for religion”

No, Rachel. You were made for ridicule.

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God: "I harnessed every last bit of my infinite power to create the Earth, and then told you just one thing: take care of it." Yet Campos-Duffy wants to burn the whole thing up to roast marshmallows.

Small wonder that she wants an invisible sky daddy. Such a stupid and irresponsible child needs one.

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Nope. Kill yourself, and it’s off to hell with you. God requires you to die a long, painful death to get to the Heaven Marriott Express.

God’s a dick like that, according to dicks like that.

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Duffy has something like 26 children. She doesn't want want them to have a habitable planet? What a selfish POS

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Part of the problem is mistranslation, specifically a huge error in Genesis. Humans weren’t given “dominion” over Earth’s non-human beings; but stewardship, at which we have failed miserably, IMHO.

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