What decent human being wouldn't cry? Instead of stopping, Maddow should have let her tears flow. Maybe it would wake a few of these assholes up.

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If there were no money to be made from this, it would stop. Cut off the money and see what happens.

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If only you "independents" like your leader Bernie had your own party instead of co-opting someone else's, your hero would have come in -- LAST.

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No. Honestly, I want blood.

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His family is a liberal Jewish one in Santa Monica, and his grandparents voted for FDR. They don’t get it, either.

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Well, one comforting thought is that since this shit-tsunami has hit the fan, Miller is probably toast. Whenever things go wrong, Drumpf casts around for someone to blame, and Miller has already bragged to the NYT that this was his baby. So. Next time you see Stevie he will be poking around a DC dumpster for his next meal.

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Well, he’s still breathing, isn’t he?

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Sorry if I was unclear. My reference to "liberals like you" was directed at Jeremy personally; otherwise, I would have simply referred to "liberals" and left it at that.

We seem to have a good bit in common. I, too, try to avoid generalizing, although I do agree with St. Paul that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23).

I, too, believe that there are people who are "utterly lacking in humanity, decency, morals [and] ethics." However, twisted as they may be, the fact that they are human means they have a soul. Calling them "monsters" is no different than them calling certain human beings "animals". That was my point.

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[Redacted] right you are.

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I agree. Her picture made me smile--and I'm not smiling much these days.

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I don't think we liberals refuse "to accord [our] enemies even the most basic level of decency, i.e., acknowledging their humanity." (I really wouldn't generalize about liberals--or conservatives--either. Each person is an individual.) There are people I like and people I dislike. What their political persuasion is does not matter to me. (I have been married to a staunch, lifelong, Christian Republican for 35 years, and I am a liberal Jew turned atheist.) I have no desire to lock you up. As far as I know--and granted, I don't know you--you haven't committed any crimes. So, why would I want to lock you up? However, I believe that there are people who are utterly lacking in humanity, decency, morals, ethics, souls. Whether this happened to them through nature or nurture, I do not know. I don't care if those lacking humanity, decency, morals, ethics, souls are liberals, conservatives, independents, socialists, communists, fascists. It makes no difference.

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No. I don't think so. I think that there are some so-called persons who are born with no ethical or moral compass. It's some sort of birth defect. Or perhaps it's the environment in which they're raised. Either way, they are different from us. They are indeed monsters.

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No, it certainly doesn't. But Nasty Girl Brianna is simply showing us how history repeats and repeats and repeats itself and how we learn absolutely NOTHING from it. In fact, when we repeat the horror, we add some new twist to it that makes it even more reprehensible.

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