In a deposition, the deputy said he "may have used the N-word," although he added, "It's not something I'm proud of or do every day."

Once or twice every three weeks, tops.

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I'm guessing not a MacKinley Kantor-type discussion, or even a Bruce Catton klatch, and don't even get into Ken Burns.

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Cop-haters only need apply? Right.

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Thanks Dok.

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Late to the party, but happy birthday anyway, Dok - I think you're just two days younger than I am!

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Highly intelligent reply. Noted.

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Sadly no. The Reich Wing already thinks teachers should be armed and Hispanic kids should be booted out of schools (regardless of actual citizenship). They have no problem with this shit.

Of course, if a single teenage demonstrator in a black t-shirt throws an Evian bottle, it's because Antifa is trying to murder everyone.

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Actually, most police cars have never said that, and still don't.

It's mostly been large departments that have that slogan, something that may have been influenced by them seeing LA police cars on the TV all the time.Neither NYC nor Boston have that on their cars, among others.

And those that did have it, still mostly do.

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As I just pointed out up above, I think some PDs saw that LA slogan on TV shows and decided to adopt it for themselves, along with the LAPD's brutal tactics.

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I don't understand why there isn't a state licensing board for police. It seems like a really easy way to fix a lot of this would be to require officers to be licensed the way doctors, teachers, lawyers, truck drivers, etc. are.

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Says: "It's mostly been large departments that have that slogan, something that may have been influenced by them seeing LA police cars on the TV all the time."And, unfortunately even small semi-rural dept. members and "leadership" watch too damn much "Cops" and their ilk. And they start mimicking and believing the crap they see on TV and think it's appropriate behavior for them too. And they start thinking that they also need "SWAT" teams and all of those govt-surplus tactical vehicles. (the Gen. "Buck" Turgidson mentality: "Gee, I wish we had one of them doomsday machines.") It's not rare even here in Podunk to see that when one of them has pulled someone over that before you know it there are another 2 or 3 cars on the scene as well, because, ya know, they had to call in "backup", and they're all sitting there with their flashing blue & red lights going. I've asked some of the guys why they need backup to handle a turn-signal violation and it's always "to ensure the integrity of the process." Well, I say it's spinach and I say the hell with it.

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Absolutely right.

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Tell that to Eric Garner.

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They must not try very hard. NY, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and LA are among the worst departments by any measure. Entire precincts/divisions have been shut down because of racist policing.

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