"Libertarians seem to be the only ones able to put themselves in another individual's shoes."

Oh please. Libertarians don't care if other individuals even *have* shoes.

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Yeah right. They'd learn soooo much more jerking off on the internet. Is he smoking that shit again?

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Oh, the panacea that is online education. I am an adjunct instructor at a small college. I am also employed trying to leverage technology (that's those internets that you want to unleash, Randy) to increase efficiency and improve student experience. But no matter how you slice it, Massively Open Online Courses suck when compared to in person instructor led classes. Well, I take that back, they are at least cheap.

Here's an easy test. Do the children of the wealthy pushers of this lie go to Online U?

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Ayn Rand Paul: Good News! The Fraud Paul Home School Curriculum is where it's at:

"Ron Paul Curriculum Launched by [Christian] Reconstructionist Gary North [Ludwig von Mises Institute "scholar"] and Neo-Confederate Thomas Woods"http://www.talk2action.org/...

[This.is.not.a.joke.] Grand Wizard Tom Woods narrates: "Sample from the Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum: Western Civ I" https://www.youtube.com/wat...

P.S. Libertarian/Religious Right Alliance "Proclamation" to Dismantle Public Education (their website), note signatory Ron Paul:

"I proclaim publicly that I favor ending government involvement in education."http://www.schoolandstate.o...

[Brought to you by the Libertarian Christianists and the letter K, as in Koch]

Remember, this is how the 'Tea Party' got to Washington. You may now stop asking what kind of idiot pulls the lever for these morons. Now you know.

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BTW, Rand Paul's "education" agenda should remind us of something:

"Apparently, the family was allowed to go on its merry idiot way for quite a while, until Michael McIntyre’s brother noticed the kids were dumbasses"http://wonkette.com/595582/...

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A sensible plan for a Better America.

(H/T, BK)

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As I said above, most of the plumbers, welders and carpenters I know didn't want to go to college. They wanted to be plumbers, welders, and carpenters because they were good at it and loved the work. It didn't necessarily have to do with them not being able to afford college. Over all we need to make it just as easy for a kid from the wrong side of the tracks to get into Harvard as it is for them to get into a trade school. The problem is that right now with costs the way they are it is almost as hard for that same wrong side track kid to get into trade school as it is for them to get into Harvard, ie impossible. Make it equitable, give every one the same chance. There is no reason a person that loves cars should not be able to attend an automotive trade school right out of High School, any more than an 18 yo 4.0 GPA brainiac engineer that wants to attend MIT should be stopped because his folks can;t afford the 10's of thousands of dollars that education will cost. Real educational reform is allowing everyone to be able to afford to get an education in a subject that they are good at and are interested in, with emphasis on Afford.

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free higher education is bad if your base is - Fucking Idiots

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Perfectly stated. Which is why it will never fly with the Republican crowd, of course. It just makes too damn much sense.

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going back to school, 'cause they're too old to swing a hammer, and too young to retire?

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Wait, what? Heroin is free, now?

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two words, private browsing. you're welcome.

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Can't we just say no to Rand Paul instead?

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Richard Dawkins believes the Republican candidates are just pandering to their base by appearing stupid, because no one could actually be that dumb. I beg to differ.

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hey, i paid for that candy with this really cute costume. in the words of bart simpson, trick or treat is a contract, no treat, trick you.

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It's so breathtakingly stupid it just might work!

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