Nunes has NEVER been a farmer! He was born into a wealthy family in which his father Anthony was a dairy farmer, and his father before him, having migrated from the Azores Islands off the coast of Portugal. He went to school STUDYING agriculture, but managed to get himself elected to a local college board of directors at age 23 before he even finished school. A 4 year term. Then he was appointed by GW Bush as the California State Director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Section in 2001. Then he was elected to Congress in 2002 and been there ever since. Apparently he has bragged that his father bought him 7 cows when he was 14 (I'm not going to go there), and he learned the ways of business by raising them to maturity and selling them. Does THAT make him a "farmer" I don't think so.

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That had coffee spew out, no milk in it 🥛

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I think that's where this administration has been most successful, at making us feel anything is possible.

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You must be new here.

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I can speak a little Cat. It's about food, probably wants some, NOW.

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I wouldn't care to meet anybody who can answer that question.

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That story sounds completely fabricated, so in the Trump admin, it's probably true.

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Hunter Thompson told that story many years before Kevin Drum did. The story is untrue (if Robert Caro doesn't confirm it, it's false.) However, a more plausible version has LBJ telling the story about another Texas politician, a Sheriff running for re-election whose opponent was a hog farmer. Punchline was the same.

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AND Rita. They were all replicants. A Blade Runner retired them.

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I FUCKING LOVE IT! I was going to ask if Hurst ever learned how to cuss and mean it? I'm very happy with his writing except he has to learn how to truly cuss.

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I have also magically beaten this level of Starcraft!

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Bestiality has a long political pedigree, as a slur: Kevin Drum:"This story may or may not be true, but legend has it that during one of Lyndon Johnson’s congressional campaigns he decided to spread a rumor that his opponent was a pig-fucker. LBJ’s campaign manager said, “Lyndon, you know he doesn’t do that!” Johnson replied, “I know. I just want to make him deny it.”" https://washingtonmonthly.c...

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and the Cow King is it's ruler...

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And no legitimate Congressperson would fuck cows making this very important and truthy website have to report on something so distasteful. So there's that. Check and mate.

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