There's a fun answer to the question "What did George Washington say when he crossed the Delaware".

As recounted by Gen. Henry "Ox" Knox (the nickname did not refer to strength or stubbornness but another more obvious characteristic), who was in the boat with George, he said something on the order of "Move your ass, Henry, but be careful you don't swamp the boat."

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We sort of re-created that painting one year fort he Independence Day parade in my neighborhood when I was little.

My dad built a "boat" around a little red wagon, my brother and I dressed up and got in the "boat," and my dad pulled the wagon.

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There are so many fun reviews posted on Amazon that someone ought to make a book of them.

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that would be superfluous, judging from the rednecks i used to know- they were always neck deep in debt and scurrying just ahead of the repo man on account of buying boats and unaffordable bigass trucks and Hummers and gunz on credit, and getting their wages garnisheed for unpaid child support.

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hence Tom Bolllings' iconic "Lucky Ducky" strips

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Got my first dose of Pfizer yesterday. Sore shoulder but nothing else.

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Republican: Don’t be silly. When things are going poorly, that’s the perfect time to cut taxes. Also, when things are going well. And when things are just so-so. Look, we just want to cut taxes because it’s the only idea we have besides bringing back Jim Crow.

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I can think of another brown thing, but I don't want to encourage the negative association this country already has between brown things and bullsh*t

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Still need that eyeroll emoji.

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Federal highway funds have been withheld to force an increase the drinking age. Same thing.

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If you're using a Windows PC, just press the windows button and then the period. That gets you the emojis, then just find the right one. Like this: 🙄

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Thank you! I’m using my phone, so I have it automatically, but I want it for the jump bar (where the poop and angry and love emojis live)(I know there are others but those are the ones I use most).

I end up going with “poop,” but there are times when it’s less appropriate.

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You're welcome! I read that in a list of Windows hacks one time, and it was the only one that stuck (or that was useful, YMMV).

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Recently got an email from my California sis. She has two complaints:1. She doesn't want to get the vaccine. How dare Gov Nuisance try to make her?2. It's so hard to get the vaccine. How dare Gov Nuisance assign priorities and shortages and whatnot?

Yeah, I don't get it either.

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