Mark Meadows should be in jail for election interference. Rancid Penis should be in jail for being a Rancid Penis.

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Ya know, we are never going to get a United Federation of Planets with these cavemen.

Also too, let's ask Jim Kirk, if he's currently free, how the Enterprise managed to keep enough cows on board for the replicator to create sufficient cheezburgers for the whole crew all the time.

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"Won't anyone think of the cows" is of a piece with their argument "won't anything think of the students" when teacher's salaries/safety/etc is discussed. (Replace "teachers" with "ranchers/meat packers") In other words, what's really being threatened is rich people's ability to get whatever they want, without paying for it.

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better cuisine choices too

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Well, public lands welfare livestock IS the single biggest environmental detriment west of the Mississippi River, sucking huge amounts of water for alfalfa hay (80% of all human water use in the West). Most of that is hidden under the 'agriculture' umbrella, so that the public thinks it's for crops, while 'livestock' stats for water use typically mean nothing more than water tanks in the feedlot (where they're fed corn and animal parts for a few weeks to fatten them for slaughter). As well, cattle, sheep, and 'agriculture' manure/pesticide/fertilizer runoff (again, most of that for livestock feed) has spread giardia, cryptosporidia, e. Coli, and algae blooms throughout most streams in America.

But right wingers, and the media in general, are allergic to details. They're just not smart enough parse out anything more than slogans.

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fasces lictoriae: Business and government as one system.It's why the Citizens United decision was a dangerous blow to democracy, opening the door to the maximum influence of wealthy capitalists to influence policy.

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They actually believe in God as much as I do, i.e. not at all. It's just that I have morals and ethics and they don't.

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If one were to remove the vowels from Reince Priebus' name one would be left with RNC PR BS

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Tea with tapioca balls: Boba tea

Sounds disgusting to me, but 🤷‍♂️

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Yup, I linked to Rubin's Op-Ed about this yesterday.

Republicans have been openly attempting to prevent the decline of white power in the face of massive demographic changes. To put it bluntly, a great many of them do not like immigration much — legal or otherwise. Naturally, they then insist that bringing in more immigrants makes native-born workers worse off. But that’s not necessarily true.Likewise, Republicans have traditionally opposed hikes in the minimum wage, insisting that would raise unemployment. But that may not be how it plays out in the real world either.Exposing these economic myths was essentially the contribution of one of this year’s three winners of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (colloquially, the Nobel Prize in economics). David Card of the University of California, Berkeley, actually looked at data. (All three Nobel winners worked in the field of “natural experiments,” looking at real-world examples to inform their findings.) It turns out the ideological agenda of the GOP does not hold up all that well to scrutiny.

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I heard of "Chomsky normal form" in my compilers class, before I heard about him from my work with an English as a Second Language group, before I heard about him in the context of politics.

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I thought the giardia spread was from Easterners going out west hiking.

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Simple. They just transported them up.

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Drag her to Popeye's, and she'll never go back.

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By George, you've got it! The man behind the name, for sure.

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