Remember Laura Loomer? Well You Weren't Paying Enough Attention, So She Went Batsh*t Racist On Ilhan Omar
This woman should be somewhere she can't hurt herself or others.
What is Twitter Holocaust survivor and potential Roger Stone baby mama Laura Loomer up to these days? Using race science to “prove” Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is an idiot? Sure, why not, we haven’t thrown up all our internal organs yet today.
Loomer bravely dared to expound on this controversial subject in the lion’s den that is her podcast on Rumble, the video platform for heterodox thinkers whose collective intellectual energy couldn’t power a Pocket Rocket. Though perhaps we shouldn’t discount the bravery it takes to make galactically bigoted statements in a room by yourself, the sort of statements that once upon a time we couldn’t find so easily because there was no Internet and so they mostly circulated on worn-out audio cassettes at klavern barbecues.
“I really do believe in IQ science. I do believe that, you know, there's a lot to be said about people of different backgrounds with higher and lower IQs. […] And, some of the people that have the lowest IQs are Somalis, okay? And it's because there's a problem with inbreeding in Somalia. And the average IQ in Somalia, if you look it up, is actually 70.”
Of course Loomer contradicted herself a couple of minutes later by claiming Somalia’s average IQ is 68, but 70 is the IQ level at which “you’re actually considered to be eligible for a diagnosis of mental retardation by US health care standards.” We’re sure her audience of imbecilic racists and Donald Trump fans (but we repeat ourselves) appreciates her clearing that up.
Omar had apparently gotten on Loomer’s loony radar — her loon-dar — this week because she gave a speech in Somali to some of her constituents in Minneapolis last weekend. Afterwards, a poor English translation of the speech gave the wingnutterati the incorrect impression that Omar had admitted to being some sort of Somali fifth columnist with the power to order the US government to do whatever she wants it to do.
Who knows what horrors might await us if a liberal congresswoman could control the US government like a common George Soros. Universal health care? Aggressive action against the climate change crisis? Free abortions being offered as part of Capitol tours? The mind reels.
Anyway, the laughable mis-translation led to such luminaries as Tom Emmer, the House Majority Whip, demanding Omar resign from Congress. Not to be outdone in the stupid department, Marjorie Taylor Greene announced she would introduce a motion to censure Omar and also called for her to be deported to Somalia, despite the inconvenient fact that she’s been a US citizen for almost 24 years.
Loomer also called for Omar to be booted from Congress and deported, because she is MTG without the congressional pin. And we should do it before Omar and her Somali brethren breed all the white people out of existence:
“They call Minneapolis Somalia or Little Somalia because when you go, you go down the street and all you see are people from Somalia with 10 kids. Right? Because these people are breeding like rabbits. I guess they've never heard of something called birth control. […] Unfortunate for every single person who doesn't subscribe to the Islamist ideology because these people are having 10, 15 children a pop, and they're teaching their kids to hate Christians.”
It should be noted that Donald Trump Jr. recently floated this woman’s name for press secretary if his father, God help us all, gets elected in November. Because they didn’t have enough embarrassing diaper cases in his first administration.
Also too:
“Why do we wanna have our country do the bidding of Al-Shabaab? Like, what are we gonna do? We're gonna take orders from all these, from all these people that sleep in caves and have sex with goats in Al-Shabaab? I mean, honestly, is this is this what we're gonna do?”
Personally, we’d feel so owned if Laura Loomer fucked a goat. It couldn’t be worse than bearing Roger Stone’s love child.
Your donations go towards our “Deport Laura Loomer to a majority non-white country” fund.
I mean, there's so much to unpack here, but the thing about Somali women breeding too much is particularly stupid. So... now women HAVING babies is a bad thing? Remember, these are the same irredeemable fuckers that want to outlaw abortion and birth control. But why let consistency get in the way of a incendiary racist rant?
>> have sex with goats <<
I didn't think that was Somali-Americans. I thought that was just Erick Erickson.