You know the nightmare people have about waking up to find the Burger King in bed with them? Waking up to that face wold be even worse.

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Nipples, Cat hair, and Jizz? Oh my!

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"Jabba no like comparison to sex-starved Congressboy. You take back or Jabba eat frog (flicks tongue)"

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Chances are Blake hasn't seen his dick in quite a few years .... or his shoes either.

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OOOKay. You'd think counsel for an elected official, or the elected official himself, could find a way to draft a pleading -- even in these particular circumstances -- without using the phrase "wet dreams." But you'd be wrong!

(This is even more gross when you consider "wet dreams" and those duckie jammies. Whoopsie, mommy.)

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That picture, at least as pertains to the men, is a reminder that politics is show business for ugly people.

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<i>We sure look forward to the next round of details about Farenthold’s wet dreams</i>

Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew.



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Still a better love story than Twilight.

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Clearly Rep Farenthold is the real victim here.

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Blake comes from good <a href="https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Frances_Farenthold" target="_blank">Demo stock</a>, in that his step-grandma Sissy was a candidate for goobernor and even VPOTUS in 1972, and sponsored the ERA in Tejas when she and then-state-senator Barbara Jordan were the only women in the Lone Star State's lege.

So what happened to this fat fuck? I've seen him lose a battle of wits with<i> <a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=NsGAmbq3Sss" target="_blank">Tweety</a>,</i> ferchrissakes.

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Or the Morning Zoo team on the Big K-1090!

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Even if he weasals outa this harassment charge, he can't weasal outa the charge of "WEARING DUCKIE PAJAMAS IN PUBLIC WHILE SMIRKING LIKE A COMPLETE DORK"

I don't know what the charge carries if convicted, but if it were up to me...well, let's just say he'd lose that smirk rather quickly.

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That outfit alone should be good for 5 years in the jug.

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"Were those expensive, because it looks like you really splurged on those pajamas."

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The guy on the left looks like all the Peeps he ate didn't agree with him.

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