lady MS checking back in on this...watched Sen Corker @ Christian Science Monitor round table this a.m. tacitly implying that Kushner was one of the few sane people in the room. now, msnbs ia 'breaking news' wind that Jared IS getting natl sec advisor position. Is this legal under Kennedy-era nepotism law if he is on president's personal ((business?) payroll?

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"....I am very passionate about certain issues. And that I want to fight for them.”

Things like knowing just when to buy or sell, helpfull to know when certain countries are going to access their neighboring country in a way that is not hostile or illegal but just a friendly, wiping out political opposition kind of way. Kind of like Ukraine had assistance with it's rebel problem.

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Not to forget, if you look around the interwebs, you will find, on not unsane websiticle, that Putin and the Russians are really, really good guys who are just misunderstood

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call mom and tell her you miss hearing her salty language. and tell her I said hi!

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I'm sure those two sons of his know what cocaine smells like really well.

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Kushner has a JD from Hahvud.Everybody needs a smart Jew lawyer, don't they?

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Ahhh, fuck me, is this shit really happening? Please, someone needs to wake me up from this nightmare! I am gonna hit the liquor store and stock up on enough Crown to stay totally shit faced the next 4 years!Trump isn't smart enough to be given national security clearance, much less his demon children.FUCK!

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nepotism laws should prevent all except Kushner from getting straight up DENIED. go transition the stupid company to your administration kids, get the fuck out of the NSA briefings. but I do find it hard to believe they'll get anything as the DOJ and DOD have told the press that repeated efforts to contact the Trump transition team have not been returned.

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that the trump royalty will not take any pay from the realms subjects is not some kind of honorable act - it's really just big fuck you to those measly checks that aren't worth bothering with - the peasants will rejoice, praise the royal families sacrifice, and be content if they don't have a paycheck themselves -

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Today, we are all intellectual elitists.

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Ronny Raygun closed the institutions. Now the inmates are running the asylum. A remake of King of Hearts? Tragedy?Comedy? Discuss.

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They're going to have to rename D.C. to The Village of the Damned.

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I'll probably just have to leave her a (salty) message.

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Cause the Honey Badger don't give a fuck.

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Well, he's obviously gonna need someone to take over for a while whenever he gets tired of winning.

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What, you mean than sort of corruption is new in the United States? Give me a break, it's been around since George Washington wanted to move the Capital to land he owned.

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