I used to leave all sorts of voicemails for Rob Portman, since no one ever answered the phone. Fortunately, the number stayed the same, so all I had to do was change the name in my phone. Let's see how much of an asshole J. D. can be to his constituents.
I get a strong sense of English-Scottish-Irish from the surnames. Possible exception of Bost. Ah! Google comes through! Anglicized variant of the French "Bois".
I used to leave all sorts of voicemails for Rob Portman, since no one ever answered the phone. Fortunately, the number stayed the same, so all I had to do was change the name in my phone. Let's see how much of an asshole J. D. can be to his constituents.
Delusional little fantasists will be so disappointed when they go back up for SOTU.
Gym didn't grab any genitals. He just didn't do anything about it when it happened even though that was his job.
"Everything I learned about the meaning of masculinity I learned in a high school locker room."
Wait'll you find out the whole thing was a dream.
We're just numbered units shuffling through the system to them. Birth, school, work, death.
The abuser's argument.
If he's from Oklahoma, he probably knows quite a bit about the science of resource extraction.
I wouldn't let Jackson touch my forehead to see if I was warm.
Very diverse group there.
Science, Space and Technology: Frank Lucas of Oklahoma
I don't know who Frank Lucas is, but I can't imagine a republican from Oklahoma being particularly strong on science and technology...
I came here to say the same thing...great minds and all that!
The Pic! It does not Embiggen!
I get a strong sense of English-Scottish-Irish from the surnames. Possible exception of Bost. Ah! Google comes through! Anglicized variant of the French "Bois".