I didn't know WV had elected Silas Ramsbottom as their new governor.


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My family drove all over the U.S. in the 1940s and 50s and all us kids eagerly kept lookout for the next BurmaShave sign, counted the cars on freight trains, competed for state license plates and referred to Henry J (Kaiser)s as tin can buckers. They were worth extra points in the license plate competition.

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and lunch and dinner.

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He's trying to do a swear. Egg sucking =fucking.

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We seem to be ignoring the most important thing here. What if it works? Are they just supposed to hand Biden a big ol' win? That would mean they would lose talking points in the next election. Is doing what's right for Americans really worth that risk?

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That’s just West Virginia for fuckin’.

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Not to mention that trickle-up is a real thing. Put money in the hands of poor people and they spend every penny, and circulate the wealth through the economy.

Put money in the hands of people who don't need it and they either hoard it or drive up prices of luxury goods and companies by competing with each other (just ask any art collector or company fighting off a hostile merger).

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If you drove north from Pittsburgh, you would see see signs saying how many miles it was to Boston Store.

Boston Store was a department store in Erie, PA that closed in 1979,

We would go to Lake Erie but we never actually went to Boston Store.

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Ta, Robyn.

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Trickle up is also a real thing in that the rich have things fixed so they are ending up with most of the money. We desperately need to fix income inequality. The Dems have lots of good ideas. Congress--especially Repubs in Congress--is the problem. We need to get the special interest money out of our elections if Congress is ever going to work for anyone except their big donors.

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We need to quit counting the egg-sucking legs on the cows and count the cows and just move.

Another fine example of the "Frontier Gibberish" idiom:


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Charles Pierce on Trump's "Stop the Steal" money haul:

"Well, cut off my legs and call me "Shorty." Actually, you don't have to cut off my legs to do that, but I believe in maintaining the internal integrity of the cliche.

Hello, suckers. From The New York Times:

The picture that emerges in the new Federal Election Commission reports is of Mr. Trump mounting a furious public relations effort to spread the lie and keep generating money from it, rather than making a sustained legal push to try to support his conspiracy theories. His campaign’s single biggest expense in December was a nearly $5 million media buy paid to the firm that bought his television advertisements. His second-largest payment, $4.4 million, was for online advertising. And the Republican National Committee pocketed millions of dollars in donations — collecting 25 cents for every dollar Mr. Trump raised online — in the final weeks of the year as it spent relatively little on legal costs.

You mean to tell me that the whole promulgation of the rigged-election lie, which in turn was the primary spark that set off an armed insurrection, was little more than another pile of Trump steaks, another lagoon of Trump vodka, another course from the catalogue of Trump University? Unpossible!...The Republican Party was profiting off performative sedition right up through the moment when it became real and deadly. This became quite literally blood money. Thousands of Grampas and Meemaws, sending in their ten-buck checks to pay for an event that ultimately ended with the killing of a cop. (For the moment, we'll leave aside the rich lycanthropes who also donated.) The poison leached down to the country's political groundwater."

I can't imagine being STUPID enough to send someone who claims he has $10 billion dollars a single dollar, much less the hundreds of dollars that some of these idiots sent him.

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I think he's making reference to the old joke about figuring out how many cattle you have: it's easy, count the legs and divide by four.

It would fit the context of his statement (because counting legs and dividing by four is obviously stupidly obscurantist), but I've no idea why he would stick "egg-sucking" into the middle there, it just confuses things more.

But maybe not.

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Yeah, I think he was trying to say: Let's not overanalyze it . . . but hey, who knows?

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It's sort of a Cockney-rhyme thing for a swear. Except it's WVa. But similar.

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I'm not sure what all this guff about eyebrows is, but as Manchin's neighbor in MD, I totally agree that he needs to get with the fucking program. You are a Democrat, sir. Act like one. (I understand that being called "sir" is very important these days!)

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