No, he obviously means President Joe Truman.

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I just drank a whole bottle of yeloiwtail big build red. Am eye going to dye?

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bold red. Bold red

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The silver lining here (I hope), is that more people will search out the biopics he made, in addition to his MCU work. I'd like to think those movies could open a few minds/hearts.

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I had roommates who could fit right into the mob in that skit.BTW-If you get a lead on a surplus Titan missile let me know. We can scrape together a warp core.

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And Trump supporters will cheer the "patriots" who are driving en mass, bearing weapons, into a city in which they reside, to engage protesters, while allowing themselves to be whipped into a frenzy and terrified by IMAGINARY Antifa groups "infiltrating" cities. I'm horrified and angry and dumbfounded.

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Thankfully, even if Trump pardons Rittenhouse, that's only for federal crimes. So states can still prosecute him.

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Because they think "fair and balanced" means giving equal time to everyone, even if one side is falsehoods and crazy.

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This is the speech we needed. As a middle age person, who doesn't remember a time when Joe Biden didn't have something to say...for better or worse (80s, 90s, 00s, been there, got the bumper stickers on my desk). OHJ just made me cry like my father or my dog just died. TBF, old dog died a few years ago, FIL succumbed to alzheimers in June, crazy possum dad is the wild card, but we're all surprised most of him has made it this far (toes don't count, he's still got a few attached). I'm gonna hold tight to everything that matters, and fight like hell just as soon as I stop sobbing into my puppy's neck.

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Just hold onto the floor and you'll be fine.

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You mean Fuck Scrod?

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Not much. Just a little.

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Also, more police have been killed by Covid-19 since the epidemic beganthan have been killed by guns from shooters.

This one is correct. Thank Disgust!

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...Trump blames Cascadian Subduction Zone on Antifa...

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I'm AntiFa.

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