I'm late to the conversation. But the controlling document is not the Constitution; instead it is https://www.rules.senate.gov/rules-of-the-senate. In particular see "XII VOTING PROCEDURE" (rules for full Senate votes) and "XXVI COMMITTEE PROCEDURE" #7 (3) (rules for committee votes). The latter states that a simple majority is enough to pass a Committee vote (including the Rules Committee itself).

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Sounds like SOMEONE has the goods on Coach Dumbfuck. The Kompromat runs deep in this crowd....

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I'm 110% convinced Tuberville thought becoming a Senator meant he got elected to a baseball team, not the government.

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"don’t watch them if you can’t handle the cognitive dissonance of Lindsey Graham using his powers for good" Yeah, there is no way they are using powers for good. The smart money says their polling shows this will cost the republicons in a year.

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I hope it costs them big.

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I read somewhere that there are 1800 government positions that require the Senates advice and consent. That seems about 1700 more than is necessary. And promotions within the military should be at the Commander-on-Chief's discretion.

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you know... i am starting to think electing abject morons to political office might not be such a hot idea.

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We have a dumb ass redneck who never has worked a day in life, his assistant coaches may have but not inbred man. To be honest none of it is real work. But dumbo ears gets in the Senate and has no talent, no education, no understanding of global politics and wonders "what can I do to get in the news? Well shit I'd burn down Planned Parenthood offices but better idea is fuck with the military cuz getting fucked with is what they know best"

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It’s probably about time we revamped the senate so states with more cows than people don’t have as much influence as states with more people than cows.

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Seeing as how 'Coach's' actual residence is in Florida and has been for 20 years, one could say that Alabama only has one Senator and Florida has 3. Not that that makes things any better, because it doesn't.

But Florida isn't known for its cows. Just its demonic governor (DeSatan) and its Medicare fraudster Senator (Bat Boy, aka Rick Scott)

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I will never be unable to see him as Bat Boy.

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I’d be willing to let all the hicks from all the states band together and have a proportional number of senators, like 2, and all the people who aren’t dumbass hicks can elect the other 98. Just so we can point and laugh at the two Tubervilles.

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Doug Jones, a lonely state turns their eyes to you.

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"Tommy Tuberville said blaming the Marine Commandant’s heart attack on working 18-20 hours a day is wrong because he worked that much as a football coach: “Come on, give me a break. I did that for years.”


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Also, being the sole 4-star general in the Marines of the largest army in the world as WWIII seems to be trying to break out MIGHT be slightly more stressful than college football coach whose main job takes 6 months out of the year.

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Well, we could hope that WWIII starts next week, and that there is evidence that Tuberville did all of this on behalf of some foreign power, and by the end of the week he is hanging from some tree above the Potomac.

Of course, just daydreaming here, no calls to violence allowed here!

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I'd say all this proves is that he can't count to 20.

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i bet he didn't though.

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Biden should announce that all federal jobs and contractors are moving out of Alabama to some liberal hellscape. Let that sink in for a while. Like your Nasa? Bye bye! Like your defense contracts? So long!

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Didn't Alabama already lose out on the new HQ for Space Force? I thought that Biden canceled the move from Colorado to Alabama because of this foolishness.

Now, it's time to begin moving established military bases out of Alabama. Make them hurt. And hurt it will. The military is a very large employer.

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Sounds familiar, but I didn't know if it actually happened.

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I think the same should be done for bases and other military facilities. If your state bans health care or other vital things, then the service members, civilian employees, and their families cannot get the health care they need and deserve. Shut down those bases and move the people and jobs to somewhere more reasonable.

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Why is a single Senator able to completely obstruct 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 to begin with? If Republicans are serious about their beef with him, vote to expel him. Alabama's governor will just appoint another slightly less stupid Republican to replace him anyway, right?

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Tuberville is a Hamas asset

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i’m probably being naive here but my take on tuberville is that he’s doing a mcconnel holding out top positions in the armed services for when trump is installed (could happen) so those positions can be filled w/ loyalists come january ‘25 … the MAGATs are not deep in the military (i hope) & command officers would serve them well after a coup … i’m not betting the house but it’s plausable …

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"How dumb can we be, man?”

You got a couple of hours? It's gonna take awhile to dig thru this one.

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when "breadbags" is better than you ...

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