Durham isn’t another grievance. Every single MAGA, plus the non-partisan “Own Research Caucus” will go to their graves believing the report revealed everything they ever said or believed it would. The grievance is that nobody else agrees with then.

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“Let’s don’t have elections anymore.'“

Kinda late, Tubby. That’s been official Reptilican Party platform since Crooked Donnie took over

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Oh no. Now Hillary will never win the presidency in 2016!

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They thought the wimmins would be so impressed, they were all expecting to get laid.

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It’s a “Rorschach report”. All the Rethuglifascist’s reports are “Rorschach reports“. Vague and filled with false inferences, misinformation and outright lies to satisfy their fever dreams, no actual proof or real evidence of anything.

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