Have mercy.

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Yeah, except the political/economic status of Germany following WWI up until the '30s was exactly NOT like the USA today. The fact that some comfortable middle class Americans think fascism is dandy remains inexplicable.

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The parallel between Germany in the 30s and fat cats in America needs a little work. A lot actually.

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It's a question of priorities; how much damage Lindell would do to the Republican party vs. how much damage he would do to America and the world.

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I am getting really tired of the myriad of reasons the younger people don't vote and how we have to entice them. Hell the gun issue alone should be enough. If they want a better world all the way around they better get in gear and vote because their literal lives depend on it.

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Her twelve chins just don't photograph well.

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That the wealthy, powerful men, corporations and industries that own the Republican Party enjoy maximum profit at minimum risk, and are never held accountable for the harm they cause to the public, workers, consumers, and the environment.

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Sell Goya.

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To be fair the national media is a GOP turd polishing operation of tremendous resources..

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It's clear the party needs bold, transformational thinking.

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Herschel's working really hard on the campaign trail. He needs a break. Just a night off. You know, kick back and watch a movie. We know he likes movies, because he talks about them on the campaign trail. I suggest "Brazil." The subsequent campaign appearances will put the Onion out of business.

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Make sure the black/gay/foreign/female people in town have less comfort and more trouble than white "conservative" males do no matter their behavior.

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Princess Ivanka would be excellent, but alas she has foresworn politics after her amazing debut as a ...what was it she did in the WH again?

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I swear red states vote like they're playing fuck/marry/kill.

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As I recall, "defund the police" was a street level slogan originated by those most negatively affected by militarized law enforcement, mostly poor people of color, who should be one of the DNC's core constituencies. Most 'liberal' Democrats were panicked into opposing "defund the police" because they simply didn't understand the complexity of the problem, nor had any interest to, and as a consequence of this ignorance, had no alternative but to meekly mewl, "ME TOO!". This is why 'liberal' Democrats are continually blindsided by GOP kulturkampf 'issues'.

How difficult is it really to explain that "defund the police" means separating the social service aspects of dealing with mental illness, or homelessness, wellness checks, or hyperactive children in schools, from actual law enforcement functions (by cops whose training is to treat every call as a 'crime' response), and paying for it from police budgets wasted on functions they aren't prepared to deal with humanely? The concept should not be that hard to grasp; after all, most 'liberal' Democrats support privatized, for-profit schools with budgets taken from public schools.

The same applies to CRT--'liberal' Democrats see mobs of angry white parents screaming at school boards and panic, instead of trying to understand that CRT isn't the "revisionist history', but that the Lost Cause Myth that replaced real history is the "revisionism". An ignorance that could have been prevented just by watching a 37 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/wat... (Actually, only the first 30:45 would be sufficient)

When 'liberal' Democrats run away from GOP culture wars, they do nothing to represent important DP voting blocks, and everything to validate GOP propaganda. Just as they alienate major portions of their base without making converts of the opposition.

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GOP policies are less money for the people and more money for the corporations and themselves. They are selling a shit sandwich wrapped in bigotry and intolerance. It's hardly McDaniel's fault. I give her credit for actually being out there. WHAR Jamie Harrison? I haven't even seen him do an interview. Also, too, Noem is a dangerous little cow, and somebody should tell her that Americans aren't looking to South Fucking Dakota as a blueprint to follow for anything.

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