Oh Tacos you innocent. I am guessing you have never seen Engineering mathematics. We do things that make mathematicians cry.We have been known to use π to cancel gravity in calculations. It's fine for anything but aeronautics or space stuff.

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You are a bloody lifesaver, sir - I was planning to spend the next three weekends using a shitty library computer because I can't afford SPSS and now I can do my assignment at home in my pyjamas, THANK YOU!!!!

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Let's not forget the failed attempt to purge voters in Texas.


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actually...they don't have to hack all fifty states...just those who are swing states...like they did in '16...all it took was a few thousand here and there, and bingo...we have Putin in the WH....

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Wasn't he on a boat that caught fire?

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I'm thinking I should learn - just never had call to. But my brain thinks playing with data is fun, so..

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And her parents. Shunted them off on to us.

Really, the same way Bavaria did it with Donald's granddad.

Which makes you think.

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You really went for it that time


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With any luck we’ll start hearing the entire collection of hits — featuring “The Deficit!”,

Oh. They wouldn't DARE.

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I hope it's not some super serious case going on. Otherwise aww, that's adorable.

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I am laughing so hard right now. It's like repressed hysteria or something.

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Well, and because you should.


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Damn skippy.

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I know, right?? Wonketters raced to non-comment and then the post was like


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