He's just a real prima donna. He did movies with cheap fx, then when they tried to get CG going, he hated it. He never wanted the pseudopod for Abyss, ILM had to twist his arm to do it. Then on Terminator 2, he fought the CG tooth and nail. "It's a fraud, it's fake, it's a scam." Of course it worked and got an Oscar and all. Then he built Digital Domain for True Lies and strutted around town bragging "Yes, I'm the genius bringing Hollywood into the digital age."
Also he had a habit of setting up parties and meetings and never showing up. Just weird stuff like that.
Which I did for a long time, but the present bunch of "conservatives" haven't done squat to protect individual liberties, and are all for giving the farm to corporations. Hillary will at least put a crimp in that. I hope.
Not really. Frankenstein later found out the "monster" was anything but. He turned out to be sensitive, intelligent, and only turned "monstrous" when he was rejected and hounded by ignorant savages. Not much like Trump at all.
...we flipped the polls around—to try to construct a profile of both candidate’s core supporters. Morning Consult ran this analysis using nearly 50,000 online interviews collected from June through August.
How to bypass WSJ, NYT and other paywalls:If you know the title of the article - type the title in google-search - the article should appear in one of the first results - click on it - it takes you to the article unhindered.- Note: they allow this because it helps their google rankings.And for sites with limited visits (and you've run out) like WaPo - try linking in incognito mode.- Here's the google results for the "NeverTrump For Dummies" WSJ article: http://bit.ly/2cwi9le
WTG Marion, and to double your pleasure, stuff every piece of junk mail you can fit into the business reply envelope - it makes the return postage YUUUGE!
I think he and a lot of his friends are in a bit of limbo, especially the lobbyists. One I can think of has kept betting on losers and isn't sure what the future holds for his business. It's also been enjoyable watching the mental gymnastics another one of his friends has been doing to support trump after they signed a letter saying NEVARTRUMP
As a former Bernie supporter, I am pretty sure that the numbers of disgruntled Bernie-Bros to be greatly exaggerated.They are just like the PUMA's in '08. Which all but disappeared after Obama was officially the nominee.
Sure, there will be a few actual die-hards that will vote for trump out of spite and abject ignorance. But I think most were trolls trying to sew chaos amongst the Democrats. Just like the majority of PUMA's were.
Thanks for the tip--I subscribe to the print WSJ because it is the only decent paper I can get delivered where I live. While never liberal, the WSJ Opinion page has descended into an outlet for the American Enterprise Institute and the like since the Murdoch takeover but the news coverage is still good
They're genuinely worried of a nuclear apocalypse if Trump wins, but are willing to hedge their bets and donate to Trump if the campaign is close? I'm assuming this is because they're worried about what he'll do (or not do) for them if he wins and they didn't send him cash?
I think Mr. Collins would have suited Mary very well, but Mary wouldn't have suited Mr. Collins. Poor Mary is the odd one out of the family. Everyone else has their little group of themselves, their favourite sister and their favourite parent; Mr Bennett, Jane and Lizzie form one group, Lydia, Kitty and Mrs. Bennett form the other. Mary is no-one's favourite. She's not smart enough for the Jane/Lizzie clique and not vapid and pretty enough for the Kitty/Lydia one. She tries to get herself noticed with "accomplishments" like serious reading and music, but she's not very good despite trying very hard, and people only roll their eyes and laugh at her. Mr. Collins is exactly the same, but because he's a man he just assumes he's worthy of respect and notice (instead of desperately trying to earn it) and people give it to him (at least to his face).
Mr. Collins wants a wife he can show off, who will improve his social standing. She needs to be intelligent, capable, socially accomplished and preferably pretty. Mary is not that woman. Mary is mediocre, awkward, tactless and reeks of desperation to be noticed and admired. Picture Mary coming out with her trite bits of philosophy, or rushing to show off on the piano after dinner, at Rosings Park. Even Mr. Collins would be embarrassed.
He's just a real prima donna. He did movies with cheap fx, then when they tried to get CG going, he hated it. He never wanted the pseudopod for Abyss, ILM had to twist his arm to do it. Then on Terminator 2, he fought the CG tooth and nail. "It's a fraud, it's fake, it's a scam." Of course it worked and got an Oscar and all. Then he built Digital Domain for True Lies and strutted around town bragging "Yes, I'm the genius bringing Hollywood into the digital age."
Also he had a habit of setting up parties and meetings and never showing up. Just weird stuff like that.
Which I did for a long time, but the present bunch of "conservatives" haven't done squat to protect individual liberties, and are all for giving the farm to corporations. Hillary will at least put a crimp in that. I hope.
Not really. Frankenstein later found out the "monster" was anything but. He turned out to be sensitive, intelligent, and only turned "monstrous" when he was rejected and hounded by ignorant savages. Not much like Trump at all.
The Atlantic on Trump voting bloc.
...we flipped the polls around—to try to construct a profile of both candidate’s core supporters. Morning Consult ran this analysis using nearly 50,000 online interviews collected from June through August.
How to bypass WSJ, NYT and other paywalls:If you know the title of the article - type the title in google-search - the article should appear in one of the first results - click on it - it takes you to the article unhindered.- Note: they allow this because it helps their google rankings.And for sites with limited visits (and you've run out) like WaPo - try linking in incognito mode.- Here's the google results for the "NeverTrump For Dummies" WSJ article: http://bit.ly/2cwi9le
They just set up a gofundme page for a new roof on Roadside America
WTG Marion, and to double your pleasure, stuff every piece of junk mail you can fit into the business reply envelope - it makes the return postage YUUUGE!
Ben Howe blames Hillary for Trump's ascendancy? Funk&Wagnall has photo next to 'chutzpah'!
Or use classic financial vehicle of those who wish to remain unidentifiable... money orders from 7-11:)
I think he and a lot of his friends are in a bit of limbo, especially the lobbyists. One I can think of has kept betting on losers and isn't sure what the future holds for his business. It's also been enjoyable watching the mental gymnastics another one of his friends has been doing to support trump after they signed a letter saying NEVARTRUMP
As a former Bernie supporter, I am pretty sure that the numbers of disgruntled Bernie-Bros to be greatly exaggerated.They are just like the PUMA's in '08. Which all but disappeared after Obama was officially the nominee.
Sure, there will be a few actual die-hards that will vote for trump out of spite and abject ignorance. But I think most were trolls trying to sew chaos amongst the Democrats. Just like the majority of PUMA's were.
See ! Now that's what I'm talking 'bout ! Thanks !
Thanks for the tip--I subscribe to the print WSJ because it is the only decent paper I can get delivered where I live. While never liberal, the WSJ Opinion page has descended into an outlet for the American Enterprise Institute and the like since the Murdoch takeover but the news coverage is still good
They're genuinely worried of a nuclear apocalypse if Trump wins, but are willing to hedge their bets and donate to Trump if the campaign is close? I'm assuming this is because they're worried about what he'll do (or not do) for them if he wins and they didn't send him cash?
I think Mr. Collins would have suited Mary very well, but Mary wouldn't have suited Mr. Collins. Poor Mary is the odd one out of the family. Everyone else has their little group of themselves, their favourite sister and their favourite parent; Mr Bennett, Jane and Lizzie form one group, Lydia, Kitty and Mrs. Bennett form the other. Mary is no-one's favourite. She's not smart enough for the Jane/Lizzie clique and not vapid and pretty enough for the Kitty/Lydia one. She tries to get herself noticed with "accomplishments" like serious reading and music, but she's not very good despite trying very hard, and people only roll their eyes and laugh at her. Mr. Collins is exactly the same, but because he's a man he just assumes he's worthy of respect and notice (instead of desperately trying to earn it) and people give it to him (at least to his face).
Mr. Collins wants a wife he can show off, who will improve his social standing. She needs to be intelligent, capable, socially accomplished and preferably pretty. Mary is not that woman. Mary is mediocre, awkward, tactless and reeks of desperation to be noticed and admired. Picture Mary coming out with her trite bits of philosophy, or rushing to show off on the piano after dinner, at Rosings Park. Even Mr. Collins would be embarrassed.