Oh, it's a mommy blog? So sorry, but y'all really ought to watch the language - such hostility, anger, and proganity. What a great legacy for children!!! Are you sure it's such not AI looking at the facts?
Pretty loose description of "troll" as well. Maybe looking upward first would clear the mind, and soul.
I took Civics class in the age of dinosaurs, so please forgive the old dyke if memory fails. Doesn't the Speaker of the House of Representatives have to be elected to the House of Representatives?
Hey, numbnutz Hearst, enough with the "MAGA" references. You libbies only understand Socialism, Communism, and in particular Marxist e.g., "equality vs. equity" philosophies which in no way resembles the democratic republic of the United States of America. The only method of discussion you know is emotional, tired, activist rhetoric. Perhaps some baby rattles for your fellow Dims will help quell the immaturity. You only hope enough disruptions will somehow gain you support, rather, it is and will continue to be your undoing!
Wow, you clearly missed the "read your dictionary" sign on the door.
So you may not realize that your local police and fire departments, public schools, and pothole-fillers are all manifestations of socialism?
Have you even read Karl Marx? Are you able to comprehend that some members of the privileged classes (there are quite a few of us here, actually) do, in fact, feel an obligation to give a hand up to the less fortunate?
Do you know the technical definition of the word "communism?" I'm going with "no," since nothing about the US economic system falls under that definition, and to the best of my knowledge there are exactly zero meaningful politicians espousing communism as a policy objective.
Based on the above, I give you 0% on originality and also %0 on logic, too, and adjudge you "just another fucking idiot."
You Repubbies just can't stop LOSING. Trump started the MAGA bullshit, not us. Your pathologically lying orange loser! The end is coming for him. And your Party is in complete disarray. You continue to search for the craziest candidates and you juuuusssttttt keep LOSING! Even at the Trump-rigged SCOTUS. You've got lots of names for the Dems and none of them matter. Socialist?? Didn't Trump give US Farmers money to NOT grow their fruit/vegetables? Tell me in WHAT WORLD, him putting Sanctions on "CHYNA "harms Chyna? Isn't THAT SOCIALISM? Aren't Tax Cuts for the rich Socialism? Do you realize it's us US consumers who PAY for those sanctions? US Prices "mysteriously" rise. Not Chyna. He's a complete moron who inherited a bunch of money and continues seeing his inheritance DECREASE. How can he pay off the $250 million the NYC Judge already imposed on him? He's low on cash and his lawyers are leeching it as fast as they can. And that's only a starting point, it could be $750 million. Pain is coming for the Mango Liar. He got into the USFL, it folded. He got into Trump Vodka, it folded, He got into Trump Steaks, it folded. He got into Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009), they ALL folded. Other Casino owners are laughing at the Mango Liar. People go to Casino''s with their own hard-earned money knowing there's a good chance they come home with less than they brought, because THE HOUSE has the advantage. Yet he couldn't make SIX Casino's work!? He's really siphoning money from the Trump base of suckers. Help him, he needs to pay for more and more lawyers. Give ALL you've got childish name-caller!! He's the FRAUD and he's going to Prison. Was Jan 6th "activist rhetoric"?? Trump clearly incited it. Everyone around him needs a lawyer because he involves everyone around him in his FRAUD. Seriously, who's left? Vivek? Pence? Rhonda Santis? Christie? Haley? The GOP should prepare for another Electoral loss! America is NOT on your team! "TDS", sure. He's a failure. Face it. That's what US history will show. Trump was a failure!
I feel that you didn't fully take the time to examine the deeper meaning of my suggestion. As for intellectual, did you happen to read the idiot who posted just above mine?
Nah, no deeper meaning, and my commentary to Hearst was completely factual; the TDS folks out there, probably including yourself, are deluded with your own "shock" talk. The fact that Trump occupies space in your collective heads reveals your inability to cope, with anything. Hence, the profanity rants that proof the idiocy vis-a-vis people like Hearst, and their supporting cast...
The constitutional clause says "The House shall chuse [sic] a Speaker and other officers" and those other officers include for example the Sergeant at Arms, who has never been a member. Commentators note that the office of Speaker is obviously supposed to be modelled on the the UK's Speaker of the Commons, who has almost always been a member of the Commons but once wasn't.
Yes, that seemed to be the common narrative for most on this site. Trouble is I'm doing a research project and segmenting comments into Marxism, Communism, Socialism buckets. Very difficult to do since the most common responses are ones marked by emotional opining, rather than rational, logical thought. Not much critical thinking out there with the Left.
So to flesh out your academic project you troll a mommy blog that features dick jokes and recipes and is inhabitated by highly educated and politically aware grown ups. Go figure. You are just noise here; please go away.
I'm somewhat surprised that they're not nominating Vladimir Putin. He's technically more eligible than trump in that Putin hasn't been indicted for a felony that might lead to more than two years in prison.
And, who knows? Putin might be looking for a new job about now.
Yes, I've got my answers, AI is satisfied, have a great life!
Oh, it's a mommy blog? So sorry, but y'all really ought to watch the language - such hostility, anger, and proganity. What a great legacy for children!!! Are you sure it's such not AI looking at the facts?
Pretty loose description of "troll" as well. Maybe looking upward first would clear the mind, and soul.
I do know your words mean nothing, just a sheeple's response.
I took Civics class in the age of dinosaurs, so please forgive the old dyke if memory fails. Doesn't the Speaker of the House of Representatives have to be elected to the House of Representatives?
I have read several places that the Speaker need not be a rep. Sorry can't quote authority. The "under indictment " rule, however, seems clear.
Thank You. Stiil being schooled at 75😁
I don't think there is enough popcorn in the world to cover Trump as Speaker.
Well, let’s see how Trump can do having to negotiate with his own creations.
Hey, numbnutz Hearst, enough with the "MAGA" references. You libbies only understand Socialism, Communism, and in particular Marxist e.g., "equality vs. equity" philosophies which in no way resembles the democratic republic of the United States of America. The only method of discussion you know is emotional, tired, activist rhetoric. Perhaps some baby rattles for your fellow Dims will help quell the immaturity. You only hope enough disruptions will somehow gain you support, rather, it is and will continue to be your undoing!
Wow, you clearly missed the "read your dictionary" sign on the door.
So you may not realize that your local police and fire departments, public schools, and pothole-fillers are all manifestations of socialism?
Have you even read Karl Marx? Are you able to comprehend that some members of the privileged classes (there are quite a few of us here, actually) do, in fact, feel an obligation to give a hand up to the less fortunate?
Do you know the technical definition of the word "communism?" I'm going with "no," since nothing about the US economic system falls under that definition, and to the best of my knowledge there are exactly zero meaningful politicians espousing communism as a policy objective.
Based on the above, I give you 0% on originality and also %0 on logic, too, and adjudge you "just another fucking idiot."
You Repubbies just can't stop LOSING. Trump started the MAGA bullshit, not us. Your pathologically lying orange loser! The end is coming for him. And your Party is in complete disarray. You continue to search for the craziest candidates and you juuuusssttttt keep LOSING! Even at the Trump-rigged SCOTUS. You've got lots of names for the Dems and none of them matter. Socialist?? Didn't Trump give US Farmers money to NOT grow their fruit/vegetables? Tell me in WHAT WORLD, him putting Sanctions on "CHYNA "harms Chyna? Isn't THAT SOCIALISM? Aren't Tax Cuts for the rich Socialism? Do you realize it's us US consumers who PAY for those sanctions? US Prices "mysteriously" rise. Not Chyna. He's a complete moron who inherited a bunch of money and continues seeing his inheritance DECREASE. How can he pay off the $250 million the NYC Judge already imposed on him? He's low on cash and his lawyers are leeching it as fast as they can. And that's only a starting point, it could be $750 million. Pain is coming for the Mango Liar. He got into the USFL, it folded. He got into Trump Vodka, it folded, He got into Trump Steaks, it folded. He got into Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009), they ALL folded. Other Casino owners are laughing at the Mango Liar. People go to Casino''s with their own hard-earned money knowing there's a good chance they come home with less than they brought, because THE HOUSE has the advantage. Yet he couldn't make SIX Casino's work!? He's really siphoning money from the Trump base of suckers. Help him, he needs to pay for more and more lawyers. Give ALL you've got childish name-caller!! He's the FRAUD and he's going to Prison. Was Jan 6th "activist rhetoric"?? Trump clearly incited it. Everyone around him needs a lawyer because he involves everyone around him in his FRAUD. Seriously, who's left? Vivek? Pence? Rhonda Santis? Christie? Haley? The GOP should prepare for another Electoral loss! America is NOT on your team! "TDS", sure. He's a failure. Face it. That's what US history will show. Trump was a failure!
To quote Aristotle, " Get bent."
Wow, what an intellectual comment. You certainly are creative! Puttin' that 3rd grade education to work, eh?
I feel that you didn't fully take the time to examine the deeper meaning of my suggestion. As for intellectual, did you happen to read the idiot who posted just above mine?
Nah, no deeper meaning, and my commentary to Hearst was completely factual; the TDS folks out there, probably including yourself, are deluded with your own "shock" talk. The fact that Trump occupies space in your collective heads reveals your inability to cope, with anything. Hence, the profanity rants that proof the idiocy vis-a-vis people like Hearst, and their supporting cast...
correct to "prove"...
As for that Republican rule, a one year felony indictment would be OK for a new Republican Speaker. Those guys…
Anyone thinking that the GOP has finally, just, "Blue Screened"?
An unfortunate side effect of all that redpilling going on.
They're really setting the gold standard.
Why it’s almost like they didn’t think this through…
I'm finding it difficult in seeing how this would work. I guess the gist is it wouldn't and be a massive cluster fuck.
Day ending in “Y”
We're way past dog catches car to being dragged down the road territory.
Is there anything in the rules that say the speaker can’t be a dog?
Commander wouldn't put up with any of their hijinks.
Commander would bite representatives for being dumb. I can support that.
Commander only bites cops. Good dog.
Question from another country: does your Speaker of the House not have to be an elected member of that house?
The constitutional clause says "The House shall chuse [sic] a Speaker and other officers" and those other officers include for example the Sergeant at Arms, who has never been a member. Commentators note that the office of Speaker is obviously supposed to be modelled on the the UK's Speaker of the Commons, who has almost always been a member of the Commons but once wasn't.
Thank you. I would nominate one of Troy's dog catchers, but they may be too busy catching criminals.
Thanks! Every day's a learning day 😀
Nope. The Speaker of the House (an enormously powerful job, btw) does not have to be a member of Congress.
Would prefer this person NOT be a sexual molester, white supremacist or a felon, but that’s who the ‘Pubbies are proposing.
I want a pony.
I like tacos......
Daddy said I could have a pony for my birthday.
::folds arms smugly::
I said to my husband last night, all they have left is a nazi and klansman and a nazi and sa aider and abetter. it's a dilemma alright.
Spoken like a true Bolshevik, or modern-day Communist, no difference.
Haven't you figured it out yet? We are all Commie/Socialists here and we like it that way. What's your point>
Yes, that seemed to be the common narrative for most on this site. Trouble is I'm doing a research project and segmenting comments into Marxism, Communism, Socialism buckets. Very difficult to do since the most common responses are ones marked by emotional opining, rather than rational, logical thought. Not much critical thinking out there with the Left.
So to flesh out your academic project you troll a mommy blog that features dick jokes and recipes and is inhabitated by highly educated and politically aware grown ups. Go figure. You are just noise here; please go away.
You really don't know what words mean, do you?
I'm somewhat surprised that they're not nominating Vladimir Putin. He's technically more eligible than trump in that Putin hasn't been indicted for a felony that might lead to more than two years in prison.
And, who knows? Putin might be looking for a new job about now.
And, he's fluent in German.
One of the international court's has indicted Putin. But who gives a shit?
Oops, I misused an apostrophe.
We don't bow to international court rulings. We're #1 baby, don't need to accept some smug international judges telling us what to do.