I think the media's on some insane quest to finally find the perfect reason to commit mass murder so they can go on camera and say, "There. We finally found a justified mass shooting."

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And, unfortunately, the closest they've ever come to targeting their own was the Vegas shooter of a country show.

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It seems to have a lot more to do with the gun in the hand rather than the color of the hand holding it.

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Hopeful entrepreneurs are pushing fortified saferooms in each classroom for teacher and students to cower in until the shooting spree's over.

I guess they could build it into the space where they use to have the classroom library.

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It was 38 as of the time I went to bed last night.WTF is WRONG with you, America?

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More, they oppose every change all the way back to some arbitrary "golden age" when they think their opinions and beliefs were the dominant ones.

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And already 39 this morning...

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I don’t give a fuck about motive. Motive is a red herring. Angry men exist, they have always existed, they will always exist. Angry women exist too, as do angry children. And angry gay people, and angry Blacks, and angry Lithuanians, and fucking angry [insert dogwhistle here]. There is always a chance that if someone is angry enough they may try to kill someone. And they may very well succeed. That sucks, for the object of their anger and the families. But if they didn’t have easy access to a gun, you know who wouldn’t suffer? THE FAMILIES OF THE OTHER 12 PEOPLE THEY WOULD HAVE OTHERWISE KILLED.

It’s the fucking guns.

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You'd be down to Planck length from the bottom before year's end.

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Well most of the people who constantly cite the second amendment as an excuse have never actually read it. They just see the words “shall not be infringed” and think that’s absolute.

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“The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy… “ oh nevermind…

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Absolutely right. The key words here being “well regulated”. It’s baffling that they believe any joe schmo with a gun is automatically a good guy.

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Right? It’s also inconsistent because they also say that “guns save lives.”

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Yeah. Most of the guns used by cartels down in Mexico were bought in the U.S. too because it is so goddamn easy to get as many fucking guns as you want here. It also helps that there are border states like Texas and Arizona with super lax gun laws.

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Too damned right. And you will never - never - find right wing legislators acknowledging this or citing the plain words that begin the Second Amendment to the U.S. constitution they claim to revere so much. I believe they are, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state ... "I have yet to be convinced that the average mass-murdering shooter was either well regulated or concerned for the security of his nation.

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they would have to create and enforce reasonable gun laws...

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