He's not capable of finding the glass he put his teeth in last night.

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Plus the coloreds knew their place, looked at the ground when you walked by, and called you "don Ricardo" or "Massa Rick," if they dared to speak to you at all.

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Actually, to be fair after the cunt comment Cindy probably hides them.

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Why bother, if they aren't earnin'?

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The invisible hand doesn't handle fertiliizer plant explosions very well. Evidently, Texas ctizens (and their homes) are also fungible commodities.

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A blue island in the midst of an insane red sea.

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Right to work is basically the right to be fired at any time for any or no reason.

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She is the gift that keeps on giving.

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The excuse he is using is that there is already a federal law covering this and the state doesn't need to participate. Sure.

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He is busy holding over session to pass more anti female and pro gun legislation. Oh, and redistricting, because even if education, water management and women's rights are in the shitter, politicians gotta make sure they gerrymander to keep their jobs.

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Wait, women *work* in Texas? Ain't that illegal in them parts?

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And just so you know, Big Chief Perty Hair has called a Special Session of the Texas Legislature to deal with Abortion. We in Austin always enjoy it when the legislature leaves town and Rick goes around the country talking about jobs. It lets America learn just how much an idiot and goat fucker Rick is.

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i really want more nuance around this 'TX leading in job creation'. cause really? i imagine there's some creepy crawly things under that rock.

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The least popular flavor of Tang.

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This low-regulation, job-friendly environment is why business is <a href="http:\/\/www.nationofchange.org\/sites\/default\/files\/TexasBostonBombingAmericanBased042213.jpeg" target="_blank">booming </a>in Tejas!

But hey, wait a minute Governor Three-Things: you can't complain about Federal regulations and in the same breath veto state regulations that would have the same effect. That's not logically consistent!

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